I am presenting the next paper in this ECREA PolCom 2023 conference, providing a brief overview of our Laureate Fellowship project on the drivers and dynamics of polarisation and partisanship. Here are the slides:
Perhaps most timely of these, paradoxically, is the oldest: in October 2022 I was interviewed by Canadian legal scholar Michael Geist on his long-running Law Bytes podcast, about Canada’s proposed C-18 bill that is modelled closely on Australia’s controversial News Media Bargaining Code. In …
Now that the ICA 2023 and IAMCR 2023 conferences are over and I’m back in Brisbane with a little time before the next round of conferences (ECREA PolCom in Berlin in August, Future of Journalism in Cardiff in September, and AoIR in Philadelphia in October), I’m finally finding some time to update this blog with some new publications as well – in addition to the various conference presentations and papers I already shared in previousposts.
First, I’m really pleased to have published a conceptual article in a special issue of the Communication Theory journal that was edited by …
The final speaker in this AoIR 2022 session is Sebastián Lehuedé, whose focus is on data governance in astronomical data, with particular focus on the astronomical installations in the Atacama desert in Chile. The Atacama now hosts a large number of such observatories (often run by US and EU organisations), due to its remoteness; they produce some 16.5 petabytes of data per year, and the Atacama has been described as the Silicon Valley of data science. The state of Chile has also encouraged these developments, while Chilean researchers are granted only 10% of observatory time.
The next speaker in this AoIR 2022 session is Paula Helm, presenting on data colonialism. She begins by contextualising this work as emerging from a computer science project designed to build a new social media platform called WeNet that sought to encourage the diversity of user networks in order to combat the (myth of) ‘filter bubbles’. But in order to encourage diversity, such a platform actually needs substantial amounts of data about its users.
Especially problematic about that project was its engagement with users from a wide variety of countries around the world, from its positioning in the European Union …
The next session at AoIR 2022 is on data infrastructures, and begins with Jonas Breuer, whose interest is in data protection in smart cities. Smart cities collect a substantial volume of often personal data all of the time, and the implementation of these data technologies needs to be thought through carefully; this project explored these issues through data walks in Belgian cities.
’Smart’ cities are often much less amazing than they sound, but Internet of Things technologies are now everywhere – there are even ‘smart’ rubbish bins, even if they don’t seem to work especially well just yet. In Europe …
The final paper in this AoIR 2022 session is presented by my colleague Dan Angus, who shifts our focus to patterns of advertising in the 2022 Australian federal election. The slides are below, too. There are a number of tools for the analysis of online political advertising that have started to emerge in recent times, exploring for instance ad spending, audience targetting, and political messaging. But we need more data from the platforms and develop further tools to do this kind of work at scale and discover dodgy activities. This is also critical for journalists, and academic collaborations with journalists …
'Fake News' on Facebook: A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of Problematic Information Dissemination between 2016 and 2021
Axel Bruns, Daniel Angus, Xue Ying (Jane) Tan, Edward Hurcombe, Nadia Jude, Phoebe Matich, Stephen Harrington, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, and Scott Wright