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Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles

If Network Heterogeneity Is Important for Information Diets, What Are Its Causes?

The second presentation in this IAMCR 2019 session is presented by Nadine Strauß, whose focus is on the approaches by news readers to exposing themselves to a diversity of viewpoints. To do so is important for democracy, but it seems that polarisation in society is increasing, and there remain concerns about the role of ‘filter bubbles’ on people’s information diets.

News User Attitudes towards News Personalisation Algorithms

The next speaker at IAMCR 2019 is Jaron Harambam, whose focus is on the personalisation of news content to individual readers and the implications that this may have for the news that users encounter. This may help readers navigate a vast and complex information landscape, and enable news outlets to provide not only popular but also relevant niche stories to the relevant audiences.

Algorithmic Personalisation and Peace Journalism

The final speaker in this IAMCR 2019 session is Mariella Bastian, who points out the impact of the digital turn in journalistic conflict coverage; journalists themselves are now more mobile, but citizen content has also become easier to incorporate into the coverage. Further, digital media also intensify the dissemination of content coverage, and this could both increase or decrease hostility between the conflict parties.

Processes of Polarisation across Social Media Platforms

The next speaker in this IAMCR 2019 session is Christian Baden, who shifts our focus to processes of polarisation. Some existing work on polarisation focusses on the themes and content along which groups are polarised, but in itself such differences may not be problematic; rather, the key issue here is whether such polarisation is increasing and results in incompatible perspectives.

Video Preview: Are Filter Bubbles Real?

Within the next month or two, Polity Press will publish my new book Are Filter Bubbles Real?, which critically evaluates the ‘filter bubble’ as well as ‘echo chamber’ concepts that have been blamed for much of the current communicative and political dysfunction around the world. The book takes a sceptical view, and shows how these ill-conceived metaphors are actively distracting us from more important questions that are related not to the role of search engines and social media platforms and their algorithms in channelling our information and communication streams, but to the fundamental drivers of a growing societal and ideological polarisation that is now felt across many developed and developing nations around the world.

In the lead-up to the book’s launch, I have already begun to present some of its main arguments in a number of venues around the world. In addition to my recent presentation at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Duisburg in April, an invited plenary presentation at the African Digital Media Research Methods Symposium at Rhodes University, Makhanda, at the end of this week, and a paper at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference in Madrid in July, I’ve also had the opportunity to give an invited talk at the Digital Humanities Research Group at Western Sydney University on 22 May 2019, and the colleagues there have now posted a video of my talk on YouTube.

So, if you’d like a preview of the main themes in the book, here it is:

Echo Chambers, Filter Bubbles, Gatewatching: Some Presentations on Recent and Upcoming Books

As a conclusion to my brief trip to Germany this April, I had the opportunity to present some of my current work to the newly established Center for Advanced Internet Studies, a collaborative institution involving several of the leading universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. I used this as a chance to present the general argument of my recent book Gatewatching and News Curation: Journalism, Social Media, and the Public Sphere (Peter Lang, 2018), as well as the key ideas of a new book, Are Filter Bubbles Real?, which is slated for release by Polity in July 2019.

The latter also picks up on some of the themes emerging from the Gatewatching book, and acts as something of a companion to it; the question of whether echo chambers and filter bubbles exist emerged as an increasingly pressing issue when considering the scholarship on journalism and its translation to social media, of course, but much of the extant scholarship on these deeply problematic concepts remains all too vague and confused to be useful.

The slides for the two presentations are below – for more, please see the respective books!


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