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Social Media Network Mapping

Monitoring the Australian Blogosphere through the 2007 Australian Federal Election (ANZCA 2009)

ANZCA 2009

Monitoring the Australian Blogosphere through the 2007 Australian Federal Election

Lars Kirchhoff, Thomas Nicolai, Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield

  • 8 July 2009 - ANZCA 2009, Brisbane

This paper examines the observable patterns of content creation by Australian political bloggers during the 2007 election and its aftermath, thereby providing insight into the level and nature of activity in the Australian political blogosphere during that time. The performance indicators which are identified through this process enable us to target for further indepth research, to be reported in subsequent papers, those individual blogs and blog clusters showing especially high or unusual activity as compared to the overall baseline. This research forms the first stage in a larger project to investigate the shape and internal dynamics of the Australian political blogosphere. In this first stage, we tracked the activities of some 230 political blogs and related Websites in Australia from 2 November 2007 (the final month of the federal election campaign, with the election itself taking place on 24 November) to 24 January 2008. We harvested more than 65,000 articles for this study.

New Perspectives on Social Media: Putting Our 'Known Unknowns' on the Map (OIISDP 2009)


New Perspectives on Social Media:
Putting Our 'Known Unknowns' on the Map

Axel Bruns

  • 16 July 2009 - Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme, Brisbane

Not only are social media a major online phenomenon: they are also producing a vast amount of data and metadata about cultural practices, most of which are shared openly and deliberately - blogging, social bookmarking, social networking, and other practices would be impossible to imagine without RSS feeds, open APIs, and other sources of detailed and up-to-date information about what users are doing. This provides researchers with significant new opportunities to track, analyse, and interpret online cultural practices on an unprecedented scale, and virtually in real time: we can see Twitter traffic spike in response to major events, we can track the viral distribution of YouTube videos, we can map the social graphs of the blogosphere, etc. At present, in fact, we are in the unusual position of having more research-ready data available than we have research questions to ask of these data - and we are only developing the tools and methodologies to engage with this resource. This seminar will outline some of the opportunities, and point to the methodological and interpretive challenges we face in confronting them.

Australian Political Blogs and the Obama Inauguration

The third speaker in this session at ANZCA 2009 is Tim Highfield, who works on a comparative study of political blogs in Australia and France (and is one of my PhD students). He focusses here on the Australian side and its reaction to the inauguration of Barack Obama. The project tracks some 245 blogs and news Websites in Australia, and extracts from these each post (and its links) as they become available online. These data are then quantitatively analysed for keyword and link patterns.

The Obama inauguration was a major political event, of course, and provided a useful case study for this work; other such samples could be the swine flu epidemic or the 'utegate' controversy storm in a teacup. Interestingly, only about 50 blogs in the population published a post or more during the two weeks surrounding the inauguration (possibly due to the fact that January is a major holiday month in Australia). There was no major spike on inauguration day itself, either.

First Quantitative Glimpses of Australian Political Blogging during the 2007 Federal Election

I'm the first speaker of the next session of ANZCA 2009, presenting some baseline data from our first test run of our blog mapping methodology during the Australian federal election in November 2007. The Powerpoint is below (with audio to follow soonish also online now), and the full paper is online as well. Links to more information are in the final slide of the Powerpoint.

Technorati : , , , , , , : , , , , , ,

Web Science for Social Network Analysis

After the rather unruly cultural panel, WebSci '09 has now moved on to the next keynote, by Noshir Contractor. His theme is the application of Web science to social networks, and he begins by noting some of the experimental mobile tools now available for social networking. The Web in general enables us to communicate and collaborate with any one at any time, but what is necessary are tools that enable us to identify who it is that we should be or want to be collaborating with. This is where social network analysis and Web science comes in.

Kernels for Complex Networks

The second and last day of WebSci '09 starts with a session on social networking, although the first paper in this session, by Yorgos Amanatidis, has the somewhat technical title "Kernels for Complex Networks" - we'll see what that's all about... Visual network graph models, apparently, for graphs which represent relational data in an abstract way. Such graophs can be used in the analysis, simulation, and prediction of network topologies, focussing especially on aspects like scaling, clustering, and node centrality.

What can be observed in real networks is the degree distribution: as the Web grows, the average degree is constant, but there is huge variance and no concentration around the average; indeed, we see the small world phenomenon which produces networks with small diameter and strong clustering tendencies (the friend of my friend is likely also to be my friend). Kleinberg, for example, modelled the fact that in small world networks there are not only short paths between nodes, but that these nodes can find such paths effectively using local information.

WebSci '09: So Many Posters...

WebSci '09 Poster

Finally for this first day at WebSci '09, we move to the poster session, which includes our poster on the Australian political blogosphere mapping project; the A1 poster itself is available here, and there's also a brief article to provide further background detail. From the post slideshow that's playing at the moment, there's quite a bit of really interesting stuff here - and all of the posters are also available online.

What Is Web Science?

The first full day here at WebSci '09 begins with a keynote by NIgel Shadbolt, founding director of the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI). As we're in Athens, he begins by taking the historical approach: he notes that another way to describe Web science is as 'philosophical engineering', which links back ultimately to the founding fathers of philosophy, including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Their pure philosophical speculation, indeed, formed the basis not only for modern philosophy, but also for modern science.

Chinese Mobile News, Australian Bloggers, and Youdecide2007: Publications Roundup

Time to catch up with a few publications - my recent work is featured in a number of new collections:

Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunications to Media, edited by Gerard Goggin and Larissa Hjorth, collects some of the best papers from the Mobile Media 2007 conference (which I blogged about at the time) in Sydney. Looks like a fabulous collection, and I'm delighted that an article by former QUT Visiting Scholar Liu Cheng and me about SMS news in China has been included. We're looking especially at the experience at Yunnan Daily Press, where Cheng led the roll-out of SMS news functionality, and we're including some staggering statistics about the growth of Internet and mobile use in China as well (I wonder how they'll be affected by the global financial crisis...).


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