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Industrial Journalism

Gatewatching and News Curation: The Lecture Series

One of the major components of my guest professorship at the University of Zürich in late 2022 was to develop and deliver a one-off undergraduate course on gatewatching and the continuing transformation of journalism as a result of the impact of social media, from the early days of blogs and citizen journalism to the present. This builds on my 2018 book Gatewatching and News Curation: Journalism, Social Media, and the Public Sphere. I also took the opportunity to augment the book's contents with a handful of additional lectures on topics such as 'fake news', fact-checking, 'filter bubbles', and the power of social media platforms - topics that have emerged and grown in importance even further since the book was published.

The lectures were all recorded, and it would be a shame if the material went to waste after it's one-off presentation in Zürich. So, I'm pleased to say that after a little light editing, the 13 weekly lectures from this course are now online, and collected in a handy YouTube playlist. They're each running between 60 and 90 minutes in length, and the slides are also available separately (they're linked from the description of each video). I've listed the full syllabus of readings below.

I hope this is useful, and would love to see these lectures be used in teaching wherever they might suit – for instance in undergraduate journalism, media studies, or social media courses. Please share these materials with anyone who might be able to benefit from them.

A Few More Updates before the End of the Year

As the year and my Guest Professorship here at the Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IKMZ) at the University of Zürich are coming to an end, here are a handful of final updates hot of the presses.

First, I’m very happy to say that at article about the Russian propaganda organ RT’s audiences on Facebook has just been published in Information, Communication & Society. This was a difficult piece of research not least because it involved coding data in six languages, but I’m delighted to say that we managed to find native speakers of all those languages (Russian, English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and German) in-house at the QUT Digital Media Research Centre. My sincere thanks especially to my excellent colleague Sofya Glazunova for leading this project.

Sofya Glazunova, Axel Bruns, Edward Hurcombe, Sílvia X. Montaña-Niño, Souleymane Coulibaly, and Abdul K. Obeid. “Soft Power, Sharp Power? Exploring RT’s Dual Role in Russia’s Diplomatic Toolkit.Information, Communication & Society, 21 Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2022.2155485.

Just a few days earlier, a new article about the social media amplification of articles in The Conversation that referred to preprint content relating to the COVID-19 pandemic also came out, in Media International Australia. But I have to stress that I only had limited involvement with this work – most of the heavy lifting was done by DMRC Visiting Scholar Alice Fleerackers (usually of Simon Fraser University) and my DMRC colleague Michelle Riedlinger.

Alice Fleerackers, Michelle Riedlinger, Axel Bruns, and Jean Burgess. “Academic Explanatory Journalism and Emerging COVID-19 Science: How Social Media Accounts Amplify The Conversation’s Preprint Coverage.Media International Australia, 19 Dec. 2022. DOI: 10.1177/1329878X221145022.

A few months ago my colleague Aljosha Karim Schapals and I also published a new article in Media and Communication that explores how journalists have perceived and reacted to the challenge of ‘fake news’. This was based on Aljosha’s extensive interviews with newsworkers in Australia, the UK, and Germany, and provides some fascinating insights into the journalistic mindset in relation to this critical challenge.

Commenting Patterns on YouTube during the COP26 Summit

The final AoIR 2022 session for today starts with Christian Ritter, whose interest is in journalistic newsmaking on YouTube during the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in late 2021. The global nature of YouTube potentially also enables decolonising discourses about climate change.

Politicians’ and Journalists’ Tweets in the 2021 German Federal ELection

The next session at AoIR 2022 is a panel on the social media activities around the recent German and Australian elections that I helped put together, and we start with two papers on the 2021 German election. The first is by Nina Fabiola Schumacher and Christian Nuernbergk, and Nina notes that the 2021 election was significantly dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and that social media played an especially important role during the election, therefore.

A Few More Presentations from ECREA 2022

After the excitement of the ECREA 2022 conference proper, my colleagues Sofya Glazunova, Dan Angus and I attended a further post-conference on Digital Media and Information Disorders that was organised by the excellent Anja Bechmann and her team, where we presented a number of papers.

First, Dan presented a paper on behalf of first author Edward Hurcombe on the way that Facebook’s owner Meta shapes the public perception of mis- and disinformation through its statements via the Facebook Newsroom, the platform’s main public relations outlet:

In a parallel session that morning, I presented a paper led by Aljosha Karim Schapals on the way that journalists perceive the challenge of ‘fake news’ rhetoric as a delegitimising force. This work has now also been published in an article in the journal Media and Communication:

Norwegian Journalists’ Attitudes towards Alternative News Media

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk, focussing on the relations between professional alternative media as an indication of boundaries in the journalistic field. This connects with a long history of research into field theory and boundary work in journalism.

A New Approach to Identifying Ethnicity-Related Keywords in News Articles

The final speaker in this final Friday session tab ECREA 2022 is Stefanie Walter, whose interest is in discovering inclusive keywords related to ethnicity and race. Minority groups are often framed negatively in the news, and this reinforces negative opinions and beliefs about them; but research into such framing is also difficult because it depends in the first place on the use of keywords and search strings for identifying relevant news articles.

Frames in Media Coverage of Climate Futures

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Hendrik Meyer, whose focus is on debates on Twitter relating to climate change. Future scenarios are essential for climate change research, and the journalistic framing of such futures is critical for the public understanding of climate change threats. For Germany, the US, South Africa, and India, the project examined some 56,000 articles on climate change from 2017 to 2020, covering a broad range of media outlets.


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