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Reviewing the Performance of Automated Incivility Classifiers

The next speaker in this I-POLHYS 2024 session is Patrícia Rossini, who is also focussing on incivility. She begins by noting that this is a feature, and not a bug, of social media, and that conventional empirical research into incivility on social media tends to examine blatant forms (name-calling, profanity) rather than implementing more sophisticated perspectives.

Exploring Citizens’ Understandings of Incivility in Politics

The next speaker in this session at I-POLHYS 2024 is Rossella Rega, and her interest is in political incivility. Studies on this topic have increased substantially since the 2010s, as a new generation of political actors appeared on the scene. This points to a marked increase in aggression and incivility both in politics itself as well as in (some) media coverage.

Drivers of Engagement with Mis- and Disinformation and Their Impact on Polarisation

The second day at I-POLHYS 2024 starts with a paper by the great Laura Ianelli and Giada Marino, who will recap I-POLHYS research activities on the connections between polarisation and problematic information. These concepts have been increasingly connected in the literature, and Laura and Giada conducted a systematic literature review of such research – yet only a small handful of the articles referencing both phenomena actually address them in any meaningful way; elsewhere the terms are more often used as buzzwords.

Diagnosing Destructive Polarisation in the Voice to Parliament Referendum

And we’ll finish the day at I-POLHYS 2024 with my keynote, which builds on the work of my Australian Laureate Fellowship team to review the types of polarisation that have been identified in the literature and develop the concept of destructive polarisation as a particularly concerning stage of polarisation dynamics. Our research proposes five distinct symptoms of destructive polarisation – and in the keynote I reflect on the recent Australian referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament to explore to what extent these five symptoms of destructive polarisation were present in the news and digital media debates in the lead-up to the referendum.

Here are the slides for the presentation:

The Operationalisation of ‘Gender Ideology’ Fears by Parties of the Italian Populist Radical Right

The final speaker in this session at I-POLHYS 2024 is Alessia Donà, whose focus is on the two parties of the populist radical right in Italy, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia. The populist radical right combines the thin ideology of populism with the thick ideology of nativism and nationalism: where populism often simply distinguishes between in- and out-groups, the radical right builds on xenophobia and positions foreigners as threats to the national identity and nation state, and positions authoritarianism as a solution to the problems of society.

Political Opportunity Structures in Exploiting Gender Identity for Polarisation

The next speaker in this session at I-POLHYS 2024 is Annett Heft, whose focus is on gender contestations and polarisation in Germany. Gender has become a contested topic in Germany in recent times, with anti-feminism and attacks on gender-inclusive language growing especially on the far right; an emphasis on ‘traditional’ roles for women is a core principle for the far-right, and far-right women in particular also play a substantial role in pushing such ideologies.

Intersectional Misrepresentations of ‘Noncompliant’ Women as a Driver of Polarisation

The next speakers at I-POLHYS 2024 are Elena Pavan and Antonio Martella, whose interest is in polarised intersectionality in online debates, where exclusion is often weaponised. This shifts our understanding of political polarisation beyond (party-) political actors, and instead centres on the interlocking dimensions of oppression and discrimination along multiple aspects of identity that are operationalised in polarised debate.

Digital Sovereignty and Polarisation

The afternoon session at I-POLHYS 2024 starts with Claudia Padovani, who is reflecting on the implications of political polarisation from a gender perspective. In light of persistent gender inequalities, normative perspectives may be valuable, but there is a need for further definitional work here, and there are several international initiatives and bodies that might help to address this.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance News Polarisation Analysis

The final speaker in this excellent opening session at I-POLHYS 2024 is the equally excellent Fabio Giglietto from the Vera.AI project, whose focus is on media political partisanship and polarisation in Italy. Especially noteworthy here is also that his project explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in news and social media research – a new approach that also needs a great deal of new validation approaches.

Partisan Sorting in News Media Consumption: Yes, Actually, the US Is an Exception

The next speaker in this session at I-POLHYS 2024 is Ana Sofia Cardinal, and her interest is in (news) partisan sorting. This builds on digital trace data from the Web browsing practices of Internet users in several European countries and the US. This work is important given the suspected increase in political polarisation, the decrease in trust in the media, and the rise of far-right parties in several countries.


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