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Supporting the Elderly’s Digital Literacies in Indonesia

The final speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Yohanes Adven Sarbani, whose focus is on the Tular Malar (‘Contagious Reasoning’) project, which provides digital literacy for the elderly in Indonesia. The Indonesian population is aging, and this increases the need for such literacy interventions in order to decrease the digital gap and especially also protect the elderly from falling prey to disinformation.

The Ethics of Anti-Corruption Doxxing in Indonesia

The fourth speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Isma Adila, whose focus is on the ethics of activism on social media. Digital activism on Twitter and other platforms has become a well-established practice, but this may also include problematic practices like doxxing and identity breaches; these are very questionable from an ethical perspective, of course.

Social Media Communication Strategies for Preserving Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage

The next speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Nuria Astagini, whose focus is on the preservation of Indonesian cultural heritage in traditional dance through social media. Traditional dance is part of the country’s recognised cultural heritage, and offered as an extracurricular activity at school; this paper focusses on a dance studio in Depok, Ayodya Pala, that has been established for over 40 years and has developed a considerable social media presence.

A Review of the Literature on Social Media Activism in Indonesia

The next speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Benazir Bona Pratamawaty, who is presenting a long-term overview of digital activism in Indonesia. But digital activism remains a liquid, unsettled term: it describes social and political campaigning practices that draw on digital network infrastructure, often extending beyond standard representational politics.

Social Enterprise to Empower Women in Indonesia

The next session at COMNEWS 2023 that I’m attending is on social media and activism, and starts with Pierre Mauritz Sundah, whose focus is on independent women in social media. Traditionally, women in Indonesia and elsewhere have often been depicted in stereotypical roles representing household and child-rearing activities, and have therefore not been expected to have high levels of education. Many societal stigmata remain, as a result of the country’s patriarchal culture.

Challenges to Local TV in Indonesia from Digitisation

And the final speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Setio Budi H. Hutomo, whose interest is in the digitisation of local television in Indonesia, and its impact on democratic processes. This system was affected by the 2002 broadcasting bill, which introduced private, community, and subscription broadcasting in addition to public service media. This has an impact especially also on local media, including local television.

Political Branding in Indonesia as a Simulacrum

The next speaker in this COMNEWS 2023 session is Ivan Taufiq, whose interest is in political branding on social media. Political uses of social media involve the display of personal identity, reputation management, branding, and perception control; this creates a hyperreality in the Baudrillardian sense, and means that political social media activities are simulacra that may or may not represent the actual personalities of the politicians involved.

Political Communication on Social Media in Indonesia

After a brief press conference involving us two keynote speakers, I’ve now joined the next session at COMNEWS 2023, which continues with a paper by Ika Rizki Yustisia, whose interest is in political discussion on social media in Indonesia. Her work attempts to assess the popularity of political leaders on social media – and social media here means Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but now also TikTok and other new platforms. These require different approaches to symbolic communication, depending on platform affordances.

Making Sense of the AI Revolution

The second keynote speaker at COMNEWS 2023 this morning is Claes de Vreese, whose focus is on AI; he notes that Artificial Intelligence has been a theme of discussion for many years, but has really been turbocharged in recent years by the emergence of new technologies. But these are normal developments in an emerging field, and we should not conclude from this that we are in the midst of a major AI revolution. There is also a great deal of self-serving rhetoric about AI from AI companies themselves, of course.

AI itself remains underdefined, too. Definitions being used in the European Union are very broad, for instance, but also remind us that AI is more than natural language processing and machine learning only; there are many elements that intersect in the emerging AI ecosystem, and we might be better served by thinking about ‘hybrid intelligence’ (also involving humans) than pure artificial intelligence at this stage.


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