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M/C Journal 'transmit' Issue Launched

I published the 'transmit' issue of M/C Journal last week, edited by my colleagues Henk Huijser and Brooke Collins-Gearing. Some very good articles there, and the issue will be a tough act to follow (with Donna Lee Brien, I'm currently editing the next issue 'collaborate').

When I say 'I published', incidentally, I don't mean this in any abstract sense - right now it's quite literally me who generates the issue pages from the articles and other materials edited by the issue editors, and uploads them to the server. We do have a rudimentary system in place for publishing the journal, but (built on the Textpattern engine) it remains very clunky and kludgy so far. Happily, that might soon change: QUT Communication Design student Gordon Grace is currently exploring options for moving M/C Journal to a more manageable online journal editing and publishing system. Personally, I can't wait... (Gordon also designed the cover for Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production.)

Developing Communities of Practice in Adopting New Technologies

One of the reasons I link to Suw Charman's blog is for posts like this: "An Adoption Strategy for Social Software in Enterprise" - a clear and useful outline of the process and pitfalls of adopting social software tools like blogs and wikis in enterprise environments. In my case, recently this adoption process has taken place, more or less successfully, in the QUT Large Teaching & Learning Grant which I co-direct, and in which we are introducing blogs and wikis into the teaching environment of several undergraduate and postgraduate units across two faculties.

Call for Papers: M/C 'street' Issue

I sent out this call for papers for the M/C Journal 'street' issue a few days ago:


M/C - Media and Culture
is calling for contributors to the 'street' issue of

M/C Journal

M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and peer-reviewed journal.

Debate? What Debate? A Review of 'Barons to Bloggers'

I reviewed the recent Australian publication Barons to Bloggers for the Media International Australia journal a little while ago. The review has now been published in MIA 118 (February 2006), and they've also been nice enough to allow me to republish it here. 

Debate? What Debate?

Jonathan Mills, ed. Barons to Bloggers: Confronting Media Power. Carlton, Vic.: Miegunyah Press / Melbourne UP, 2005. ISBN 0 522 85207 6.

Modchipping the Australia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

Today I went to a meeting at QUT's Gardens Point campus which was centred in particular around the recent case of Sony v Stevens in Australia, and its implications in light of the recent Australia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA).

Brian Fitzgerald from the QUT Law School begins by outlining the case. Sony alleged that Stevens, who operated a computer shop, had sold a circumvention device for a technological protection measure - that is, mod chips for the Sony Playstation 2 console. These chips enabled the console to play games from regions other than Australia, as well as backup or unauthorised copies. Playstations are coded (similarly to DVD players) for regional access; this is controlled by a Boot ROM chip in the console. This allegation hinges on the definition of a technological protection measure as defined by WIPO and encoded into Australian law by the Copyright Act - TPMs prevent or inhibit the infringement of copyright.

The Day That Wouldn't End

Ugh. Having been at work since 7.30 a.m. to make some solid progress on the edgeX ("Mapping the Missing Grassroots") project and develop up some tech specs for the site we'll build for it, I got home at 6.30 p.m. only to move right on to producing the next issue of M/C Journal, which I'm happy to say is online as of now (that is, 1 a.m.) - and there'll be a formal announcement shortly. From what I've seen of the articles during the production process, editors Henk Huijser and Brooke Collins-Gearing have done excellent work, and I look forward to reading some of the articles in more detail.

Gatewatching Makes the Semis

A little while ago I mentioned that my book Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production had been nominated for the Communications Policy Research Award at Fordham University's Donald McGannon Communication Research Center. My publisher Peter Lang now informs me that it's made the semi-finals of the award process. While I don't exactly know what this means - are there four books left from the initial field, and do these now get evaluated against one another in a two-step elimination process? will there be slow-motion replays on ESPN6? - it sure does sound good. Fingers crossed.

Back to the West Wing

The West Wing is back on Australian TV screens - back being the operating word here, with episodes restarting with the "Twenty Hours in America" two-parter from the Bartlet re-election campaign which originally screened in the U.S. on September 2002. Australians will know that this is due to the show's move from the commercial Nine Network, which buried the show in the 23:30 timeslot, to the publicly funded ABC; there, at least it's on at 21:30 for the time being, and without commercial breaks (now if only we could continue to get double episodes every week to catch up with the action!).

Proposals In - Now to Find Time for Research...

We went on a nice but all-too-short post-V-day getaway to North Stradbroke Island last weekend, but I'm afraid any sense of relaxation went out the window quickly when I saw on Monday that numbers in my Creative Industries unit had risen to nearly 370 students by Monday morning. This meant quickly adding a couple more tutors and giving them an induction to the material, and elsewhere too I've been playing catchup all week already - not because I've been slack in the lead-up to the semester, but because there's just so much to do at the moment.

State of (Uses of) the Blogosphere

David Sifry has posted the latest "State of the Blogosphere" report, extracted from Technorati data. Plenty to digest here, and discussion on what the findings may mean has already started on Sifry's blog as well as elsewhere, and perhaps one of these days I'll even find the time to add my own views on this.

In other news, though, we've just received the copyeditor's comments on the Uses of Blogs manuscript. No major edits required, so hopefully we'll be able to turn it around pretty quickly. Warm up the presses, Peter Lang!


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