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Measuring News Diversity on Facebook in Australia

The next speaker in this ANZCA 2023 session is Cameron McTernan, who is interested in news diversity on social media. Media diversity has long been an issue and a priority in media policy, but has often focussed on media ownership and media content at the outlet level, without necessarily taking into account the role of social media in the distribution of content. This is becoming increasingly important because media supply chains are becoming less linear as social media logics and algorithms affect news distribution.

How Australian Newsrooms Continue to Do Harm to Indigenous Journalists

The next session at ANZCA 2023 starts with David Nolan, who introduces the idea of ‘racial reckoning’ as both amplified by as well as directed at media; this highlights the failures of racial inequality and is being performed through the ‘diagnostic’ of digital media, which provide a space for critiques of conventional media. Such reckoning has often been addressed, in Australian, by the hiring of Indigenous journalists.

Towards a More Ethical Framework for Journalistic Death Knocks

The second speaker in this ANZCA 2023 is Alysson Watson, whose focus is on the journalistic ‘death knock’: the way journalists approach families who have lost someone in newsworthy circumstances. This is obviously difficult, given the circumstances; it has moved from a literal knock on the door to the use of other technologies, including now especially also social media technologies.

Thinking through the Visualisation of Power in the Twentyfirst Century

The next session at ANZCA 2023 is on journalism and war, and starts with Nicolette Barsdorf-Liebchen, whose interest is in how to visualise twentyfirst-century state and corporate power. Neglected from a visual perspective is that which is not seen – the invisible systems, structures, and processes of corporate-military power, and the indirect, systemic, or socially abstract invisible warfare in which we are immersed daily, and ineluctably participate on various levels.

Coverage of the Voice to Parliament Debate in The Australian and Guardian Australia

The final speaker in this ANZCA 2023 session is Julie Browning, whose focus is on the role of campaigning media during the October 2023 referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. A referendum represents an unusual campaign in that it is polarised by design (the choice is a simple Yes or No), and can cut across party lines (as it did in this case, at least to some extent).

The Complicated Role of Opinion Polling in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Campaign

And the next speaker in this ANZCA 2023 session is my colleague Samantha Vilkins, who continues our focus on the Voice to Parliament referendum by addressing especially the role of opinion polling and poll reporting in the context of the Voice referendum campaign. She begins by noting the long period of public debate about the Voice, going back at least to the election of the Albanese government in May 2022, with a much shorter formal campaign period before the referendum date of 14 October 2023.

Social Media and the News about the Voice to Parliament Referendum in Australia

OK, so I skipped the previous session as I got talking about current research projects with a number of colleagues I hadn’t seen for a while, but I’m back for the final session this afternoon, on the recent Voice to Parliament referendum in Australia, where my colleague Sam Vilkins and I are presenting our own papers. I’m the first presenter in the session, so here are my slides:

The Political Weaponisation of the POFMA ‘Fake News’ Law in Singapore

The final speaker in this ANZCA 2023 session is Howard Lee, whose focus is on truth in Singapore’s online mediascape. He begins by highlighting the independent media outlet The Online Citizen Asia and the current affairs magazine Jom, who have had various run-ins with the Lee family who have been in control of Singaporean politics for several years.

The (Under)representation of Women Politicians in Italian Talkshows during COVID-19

The next speakers in this ANZCA 2023 session are Carlotta Antonelli and Mauro Bomba, whose interest is in the dynamics of the political discourse around the COVID-19 pandemic in the main talkshows on Italian TV, with particular focus on the positioning of women with political roles in such discourse. In such contexts, media serve in a function as representatives of public views and responses to the issues they themselves cover.


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