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Internet Technologies

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Virtual Nation

Virtual Nation: The Internet in Australia, a book I've contributed to, is now available from UNSW Press. A preview of my chapter is also online in my publications section on this site.

Filesharing Myths Unravel

This article in the Guardian was flagged on nettime: more evidence that filesharing does not impact CD sales in the way that the music industry claims it does. My favourite quote from the article is that the net effect of filesharing on sales is "indistinguishable from zero". Music industry ideologues take note.

Global PR Week

This from Trevor Cook:

I've been busy organising this inaugural event to be held from 12 - 16 July

The purpose of the week is to focus on some key issues and attract attention to the emerging role of PR bloggers in developing and spreading knowledge about public relations. Often decried as a secretive profession we want to share our knowledge with everyone and encourage a better understanding of the contribution we make to our societies

Linking the Real World

I've long maintained that the Internet is not virtual. Now it turns out that the 'real' world is becoming hyperlinked...

Cyberwar is (was?) coming

I came across this through a call for papers for an online conference called Memefest - part of their approach is to invite articles inspired by a 1993 piece called "Cyberwar Is Coming". Should be interesting to see what new articles emerge from this, and the original article also seems useful.

New Newsfeed

I've added Clay Shirky's site to the newsfeeds - he's an interesting author on P2P and collaborative online publishing, and this is a good way of keeping track of what he gets up to...


Starting to write lectures for the coming semester today - for my Creative Industries unit. Googling for convergence I found this OJR article which seems to do a pretty good job introducing the concepts surrounding it - of course I found this only after my unit reader went to print... Still good stuff, and I might include it in a later revision of the reader.

PhD Thesis

This thesis introduces and analyses the emerging Website genre of Resource Centre Sites. RCSs are sites which combine news, rumours and background information as well as community discussion and commentary on their chosen topic, and frequently serve as a first point of entry for readers interested in learning more about the field. They also offer spaces for virtual communities of specialists or
enthusiasts to emerge, who in the process and as a product of their interaction on these sites collate detailed resource collections and hyperlink directories for their fields of interest. Therefore, Resource Centre Sites significantly involve their users as content contributors and producers, turning them into what is here termed 'produsers' of the site.


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