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Social Media

Propaganda Strategies of Anti-Abortion Conspiracists

The final speaker at this AoIR 2023 session is Zelly Martin, whose focus is on the female spreaders of health disinformation. This is also in the context of the US Supreme Court’s decision to undermine the right to abortion in the United States, which is part of a long history of activism against abortion, birth control, and female reproductive rights.

Conspiracy Theorists’ Responses to Deplatforming

The next presenter in this AoIR 2023 session is Kamile Grusauskaite, whose interest is in the deplatforming of mis- and disinformation – the removal of accounts for breaking platform rules, for instance on disinformation or hate speech. This has particularly targetted conspiracy theorists, yet such conspiracists still spread on alternative media or find ways to circumvent prohibitions on mainstream media.

The Role of Screenshots in Conspiracy Theories

The next session at AoIR 2023 that I’m in is on conspiracies, and starts with Elisabetta Zurovac, whose focus is on COVID-19 conspiracy theories. These seek to undermine trust in the established science and mainstream media coverage, and this is related to a broader erosion of trust in established knowledge. They encourage people to ‘do their own research’ and are often building also in important ways on visual content.

Twitter Influencers’ Impact on the Reception of Brazil’s COVID-19 Inquiry

The next speaker in this AoIR 2023 session is the excellent Adriana Amaral, whose interest is in fan practices surrounding the government of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Her project examined social media data from Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube related to COVID-19 in Brazil, and through this work also identified the strong politicisation of vaccines especially under and by the leadership of Bolsonaro. The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on COVID-19 in Brazil (CPI da COVID) also emerged as a key player in these debates.

Political Fandom for Danish PM Mette Fredriksen

The early morning session this Friday at AoIR 2023 that I’m in starts with a paper by my QUT DMRC colleague Sebastian Svegaard. He presents a case study of what happens when politicians behave badly – and how their political fan bases respond to this. This connects with a larger body of work which connects fandom and political research, and positions politics as fandom.

Interactional Moderation by Instagram’s Bot Police

The final speaker in this AoIR 2023 session is Nathalie Schäfer, whose focus is on bots on Instagram. Bots are pervasive there, and some users have banded together to detect fake accounts and highlight automated interactions that are seen as problematic. They do so with ‘bot police’ accounts that ask to be tagged whenever users encounter bots, and also provide advice on how to detect bots and report them to Instagram.

The Bots of the Subreddit Simulator and What They Reveal about Platform Cultures

The next speakers in this AoIR 2023 session are my QUT colleagues Daniel Whelan-Shamy and Dominique Carlon. Their focus is on playful engagement with and between bots in the Subreddit Simulator. Here it is especially interesting to explore what happens when bots interact with each other without the involvement of humans; the Subreddit Simulator provides this space, and enables an automated engagement between some 250 bots that make post submissions and comments.

Consequences of the Romantic Chatbot Replika

The final paper session on this first day at AoIR 2023 starts with Tony Liao and Liz Rodwell, whose interest is in AI chatbots; they begin by introducing the AI chatbot Replika, available as a Web and smartphone app, which is designed to steer users towards romantic and erotic conversations as they engage with it. This enables an examination of how users navigate their potential romantic relationships with the chatbot, and a comparison with the common relationship stages observed for human-to-human relationships.

The Political Economy of Social Media Influence Operations in the Philippines (and Elsewhere)

And the final speaker in this AoIR 2023 session is Fatima Gaw, whose interest is in the political economy of social media manipulation. Thus far we only have a very partial knowledge of this political economy; there is work focussing on bots, trolls, and fake accounts, using big but limited social media data, or occasionally doing ethnographic work. There is also much reliance on secondary sources. Further interdisciplinary methods combining these and other approaches are needed to determine the scope and scale of this political economy.

Analysing the Demographics of Fan Fiction Communities through the Distribution of a Community Survey

The next speakers in this AoIR 2023 session are Lauren Rouse and Mel Stanfill, whose interest is in fan communities on Tumblr. The latest overall demographic information for fandom communities is now ten years old, which is not particularly helpful; the team therefore developed a survey covering user demographics that was distributed via the r/Fanfiction subreddit, Tumblr, and Twitter; fans are still mostly cisgender women, but nonbinary gender identities and bisexual, asexual, and queer sexual orientations now dominate in this community.


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