The final speaker at this ECREA 2018 session is my QUT colleague Aljosha Karim Schapals, who shifts our focus to the vexing question of ‘fake news’. However we define such content, it appears to have had a considerable effect on recent events, and some of the most shared stories on Facebook in recent years have been revealed as mis- or disinformation.
There are also a number of dedicated Websites that have been set up to peddle ‘fake news’, and these are often immensely active at generating and disseminating new content. Such sites are also relevant to our study of Journalism …
Up next in our ECREA 2018 panel is Christian Nuernbergk, who presents our work on the social media activities of journalists; the slides are embedded below. We are interested here in how journalists have incorporated social media like Twitter into their professional toolkits, but also in how audiences engage with them and how journalists respond in turn (if indeed they do). Studies of how ordinary Twitter users engage with journalists on an everyday basis are especially rare still.
The next speaker in our ECREA 2018 panel is Folker Hanusch, who shifts our focus to how journalists construct and uphold their professional boundaries through discursive means. Such boundary work remains prominent because of the entry of a range of new journalistic or para-journalistic outlets and amateur or semi-amateur practitioners into the field of news coverage, and rather than developing normative theoretical definitions of journalism it is important to examine how journalists themselves draw the line between themselves and other professional and non-professional news workers, and how they themselves reflect on the ideologies of journalism.
We’re in the final panel at ECREA 2018, and it’s the panel presenting the work of our ARC Discovery project Journalism beyond the Crisis, which triangulated between the self-perceptions of journalists in Australia, Germany, and the U.K., their observable social media engagement, and the existing and emerging landscape of news outlets in these countries. The first paper in the panel is presented by Julia Conrad and also involves Christoph Neuberger, and explores emerging news content providers at the periphery of conventional journalism in Germany.
As the boundaries of journalism continue to move and perhaps dissolve, there is an …
A month ago I was able to present the themes of my latest book Gatewatching and News Curation at the University of Sydney, as part of its Media@Sydney series of talks – my sincere thanks to Francesco Bailo, Gerard Goggin, and everyone else who made this possible. The M@S team also posted video and audio recordings of the talk, which I’m sharing below; in case the presentation is difficult to make out in the video, I’ve also included the slides themselves.
Speaking on the day of Australia’s latest partyroom spill for the Prime Ministership, this was a timely opportunity to …
I’m on one of my rare visits to ICA, and at a journalism session that starts with my colleague Folker Hanusch. He points out the considerable offline homophily between journalists - they hang out and interact with each other, and this may also translate to an online context. Some of this also intersects with news organisations, news beats, gender, and other identity traits, however – and on specific platforms, of course, homophily may also result in different patterns for different forms of interaction (e.g. @mentions vs. retweets on Twitter).
This study worked with the Australian TrISMA infrastructure and …