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Norwegian Journalists’ Attitudes towards Alternative News Media

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk, focussing on the relations between professional alternative media as an indication of boundaries in the journalistic field. This connects with a long history of research into field theory and boundary work in journalism.

Mapping Far-Right Networks in Germany across Platforms

The next paper in this ECREA 2022 session is Azade Kakavand, whose study compares far-right networks across multiple platforms. Far-right here means a broad grouping that also includes the radical and extreme right, as well as both electoral and non-electoral groups. The networks between these actors may be affected by the different affordances that the various social media platforms offer.

The Evolution of Topics in German Alternative Media Pages on Facebook

The next paper in this ECREA 2022 session is by Svenja Boberg and colleagues, but presented by proxy; it focusses on the growing attacks against mainstream media (as ‘lying media’ or ‘Lügenpresse’ in Germany) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Counterpublics on Telegram in Germany

It’s Saturday morning at ECREA 2022, and I’ve arrived a little too late to see the start of the session on online counterpublics, where Kilian Bühling is already in the middle of his presentation on German counterpublics on Telegram in the context of COVID-19.

A New Approach to Identifying Ethnicity-Related Keywords in News Articles

The final speaker in this final Friday session tab ECREA 2022 is Stefanie Walter, whose interest is in discovering inclusive keywords related to ethnicity and race. Minority groups are often framed negatively in the news, and this reinforces negative opinions and beliefs about them; but research into such framing is also difficult because it depends in the first place on the use of keywords and search strings for identifying relevant news articles.

Frames in Media Coverage of Climate Futures

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Hendrik Meyer, whose focus is on debates on Twitter relating to climate change. Future scenarios are essential for climate change research, and the journalistic framing of such futures is critical for the public understanding of climate change threats. For Germany, the US, South Africa, and India, the project examined some 56,000 articles on climate change from 2017 to 2020, covering a broad range of media outlets.

Facebook Reactions to Shared URLs as Indicators of Polarisation

The final ECREA 2022 session for today starts with Soyeon Jin, whose focus is on the European immigration debate. She notes that Europeans’ attitudes towards immigration have improved over the years, yet there also seems to be an increasing amount of controversial debate around; what is going on here?

Bringing Up Old Party Scandals on Twitter during Spanish Election Campaigns

The final speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Rosa Berganza, whose interest is in the discussion of political scandals on Twitter, and how this might influence the attitudes of both journalists and ordinary citizens. Twitter is a particularly influential medium in this context, as journalists are also very active here.

What Can Pandemic Humour Tell Us about Public Trust in Politics?

The third speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Delia Dumitrica, whose focus is on political humour in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her project investigated the representation of politicians in such humour as an expression of trust in politics, across Estonia, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, and Romania, working with data from digital media during the March to July 2020 period.

Everyday Political Talk in Small WhatsApp Groups

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Qinfeng Zhu, whose focus is in political talk in WhatsApp groups. This refers not to formal political deliberation, but to everyday political conversations in third spaces online: it is informal, spontaneous, sociable, and outside the realm of formal political discussion.


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