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Social Media Uses by the Catalan Road Service

The next speaker at ECREA 2012 is Sonia González Molina, whose interest is in the use of social media by the Catalan Road Service, the main source of official road information in Catalunya. She interviewed the responsible communication officers and analysed the organisation's Twitter and YouTube accounts as well as corporate documents.

Cognitive Maps and Mobile Technologies

The next speaker at ECREA 2012 is Didem Ozkul, whose interest is in understanding people's sense of place in an era of mobile communication. Mobile technologies liberate their users from place, but also afford a form of attachment and dependence on physical location; we become dependent on global positioning to locate ourselves in physical space.

Understanding Electrically Assisted Bike Usage

The next speaker at ECREA 2012 is Frauke Behrendt, whose interest is in the use of mobile media for sharing bike riding information as generated by electrically assisted bikes. Such bikes are now also being introduced into the UK, and Frauke's research in Brighton is interested in using mobile media to monitor the use of such bikes and enable riders to provide feedback. Brighton is a useful test case as the hilly and windy environment means that electrical assistance for pushbikes is especially welcome.

Combining Mobile Device Data and Other Research Information

Finally in this ECREA 2012 session, we move on to Anne Mette Thorhauge, whose interest is in using mobile technologies to collect data about people's everyday lives. This involves log data, but also combines it with other information, such as semi-structured interviews, diaries, audiovisual recordings, and many more, and may be used to map patterns of work, leisure, transport, and so on.

Twitter and the Tour de France

The next session at ECREA 2012 starts with my colleague Tim Highfield, presenting a paper on the Tour de France on Twitter which was co-authored with Stephen Harrington and myself. My notes on the session are below ; slides and audio will follow later. Tim's slides and audio.

Public Service Broadcasting in a Post-Habermasian Public Sphere

The final speaker in this ECREA 2012 session is Peter Lunt, who notes that Habermas was initially especially attracted to the diverse and disorganised nature of the early formations of the public sphere, before the massification of the mass media. How are these institutionalised forms of mass media going to respond to the transformation of the contemporary media environment, then, which returns the mediasphere to a more complex, diverse, disorganised state, then?

Online Discussion Spaces as Rational and Carnivalesque

The next speaker at ECREA 2012 is Maria Bakardjieva, who begins by noting the legacy of the public sphere concept – it has been enormously influential, especially also on central and eastern European scholars after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Making Sense of the Public Sphere with Big Data from Social Media

My own paper starts the ICA-flavoured session at ECREA 2012 this afternoon; my presentation built on our research into the uses of Twitter to explore how we might reconceptualise the public sphere. The slides are below; audio will follow. now online, too.

Social Media, Big Data, and the Public Sphere from Axel Bruns

Heterogeneous Rural Environmental Protest Groups

The final speaker at this ECREA 2012 session is Marco Bräuer, whose interest is in rural protests in Germany against the extension of major powerlines. These protest could be seen simply as a NIMBY phenomenon, but they involve a wide range of participants and protest repertoires; they appropriate innovative protest repertoires of global protest movements.

Cloud Protests as Customisable Activism

We move on to Stefania Milan as the next presenter at ECREA 2012. Her interests are in the social organisation of protest movements, especially through social media; what is the role of such media in the overall process, both at micro and meso levels? Collective action is a social construct which results for the interactions of social actors; their meaning construction is contextually embedded.


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