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Blogs and Blogging

More on Blogging...

Almost hidden away in an issue which is first and foremost on "Journalism and Black America", this issue of the Nieman Reports also contains a section on "Blogging and Journalism". <sigh> More reading... Got to start writing, got to start writing.

Global PR Week

This from Trevor Cook:

I've been busy organising this inaugural event to be held from 12 - 16 July

The purpose of the week is to focus on some key issues and attract attention to the emerging role of PR bloggers in developing and spreading knowledge about public relations. Often decried as a secretive profession we want to share our knowledge with everyone and encourage a better understanding of the contribution we make to our societies

We Media and much more

Finally worked my way through the very useful report We Media by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis at the Media Center at the American Press Institute. A good overview of what they term participatory journalism, with many connections to my own research. From this report, several further references also need investigation:

The News, One Entry at a Time

A new Wired about the rise of blogging approaches to news reporting: The News, One Entry at a Time. Might be time to pull together all of these individual reports into a greater whole...

Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production - Chapter Outline

GatewatchingGatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production provides the first comprehensive study of the latest wave of online news publications. It investigates the collaborative publishing models of key news Websites ranging from the worldwide Indymedia network to the massively successful technology news site Slashdot and further to the multitude of Weblogs which have emerged in recent years. Building on collaborative approaches borrowed from the open source software development community, gatewatching provides an alternative to gatekeeping and other traditional journalistic models of reporting, and has enabled millions of users around the world to participate in the online news publishing process.


Andrew Murphie pointed out this Wired article on the fibreculture list - All the News That's Fit to Skewer. Puts a whole new spin on the idea of gatewatching... Andrew also mentions the work of Pierre Levy on collective intelligence - better read up on this, too.

The Power of Blogs

Someone on Slashdot pointed to this article on "Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality" by Clay Shirky. Very interesting stuff, and another indication (as if one were needed) of how blogs and similar interactive technologies are coming of age. I'm listing it here for further reference.


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