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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryMotivations for Pandemic News Avoidance in Vietnam Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryDesign Principles for Projects on Youth, News, and Digital Citizenship Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryNews Consumption Patterns of Jewish Youth in Israel Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryRussian Self-Legitimisation ahead of the Annexation of Crimea Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryThe Divergence of Propaganda and Persuasion during the Cold War Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryExploring the Links between Propaganda and Persuasion Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryTactics in Discrediting Critical Journalism Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryInformation Behaviours of Ghanaian PhD Students Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryHow Do the ICA and IAMCR Communities on Twitter Differ? Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryTracking the Evolution of the AI Art Debate on Twitter Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryGerman and English Sociotechnical Imaginaries in the AI Debate Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryExploring the Use of ChatGPT in Building a Twitter Bot Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryConfronting the Challenges of Digital Capitalism Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageAffective Polarisation in Political Leaders' Discourses: A Comparison between Australia, Brazil, Denmark, and Perú (ICA 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageNetworks of Agonism and Antagonism: Polarised Discourses about COP26 (and COP27) on Twitter (ICA 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageTowards a New Empiricism: Polarisation across Four Dimensions (IAMCR 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entrySome Recent Videos on Polarisation, Misinformation, and Related Topics Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageFuture-Proofing the Public Sphere (CDDGG 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageThe Anatomy of Virality: How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Spread across Social and Mainstream Media (ICFJ 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
PageThe Filter in Our (?) Heads: Digital Media and Polarisation (CDDGG 2023) Snurb01 year 2 months ago
Blog entryGatewatching and News Curation: The Lecture Series Snurb01 year 4 months ago
PageGatewatching and News Curation: Journalism, Social Media, and the Public Sphere Snurb01 year 4 months ago
Blog entryA Few More Updates before the End of the Year Snurb01 year 9 months ago
PageJournalists Behaving Badly: Mainstream Media as Amplifiers of Misinformation (ECREA 2022) Snurb01 year 9 months ago
PageFrom the Fringes to the Mainstream: How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Spread across Social and Mainstream Media (HECF 2022) Snurb01 year 9 months ago
