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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
PagePlatform-Based Political Advertising: New Approaches for Enhancing Platform Observability (AoIR 2022) Snurb01 year 9 months ago
PageElectioneering in Pandemic Times: The 2022 Australian Federal Election on Facebook and Twitter (AoIR 2022) Snurb01 year 9 months ago
Blog entryTrolling the Far Right on TikTok Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryAn Empathetic Approach to Disinformative Communities Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Limited Utility of Hackathons in Combatting Disinformation Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryConspiracy Theory Followers as Interpretive Communities Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Evolution of Conspiracy Theories as a Form of Connective Action Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryCOVID-19 Conspiracy Theories on Telegram Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryUnderstanding the Twitter Compliance API Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryCOVID-19 Conspiracy Theories on Twitter in Nigeria and South Africa Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryCommenting Patterns on YouTube during the COP26 Summit Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryVisual Imagery, Anger, and Anxiety as Predictors of Belief, Sharing, and Fact-Checking Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryHashtag Activism against Ableist Perspectives in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryPseudoanonymous Accounts Discussing COVID-19 Policies in Finland Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Stressful Experience of Self-Service Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryNo Intermedia Agenda-Setting in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryAn Autonomía Perspective on Chile’s Astronomical Data Industry Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Data Colonialism of European Research Projects Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryWalking the Datafied City Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryDeradicalising the Manosphere through Alternative Narratives Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryUnderstanding the Dynamics of Incel Communities Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryPatterns of Radicalisation on Gab in Relation to Vaccine Discourses Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entrySelf-Sorting into Radical Political Communities on Reddit Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Divergent Populist Styles of Italian Politicians Snurb01 year 10 months ago
Blog entryThe Consequences of Political Rhetoric in the 2020 US Presidential Election Snurb01 year 10 months ago
