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ICA 2024

International Communication Association conference, Gold Coast, 20-24 June 2024

Political Identity and Alternative News Media Consumption

The next speaker in this ICA 2024 conference session is Isabella Glogger, whose interest is in reinforcing relationships between political identities and alternative news consumption. The focus here is especially on Sweden, where alternative media use has been on the rise especially on the right wing of politics, and has been connected with more pessimistic viewpoints on a variety of societal issues, especially also on climate change.

Partisan Media Exposure and Attitudes towards News Brands

It’s Friday morning and I’m in a casino on the Gold Coast of Queensland, so this must be the start of the ICA 2024 conference. I’m in a session on polarisation, and we start with a paper by Minchul Kim on the prediction of partisan media exposure through attitudes towards news brands. The interest here is in the United States, where the assumption is that partisan exposure might result in widely diverging worldviews.


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