The next speaker in this AoIR 2019 session is my colleague Kim Osman, presenting outcomes from our research project in collaboration with The Conversation and the Cooperative Research Centres Association in Australia. We are interested in assessments of the public value and impact of scholarly work, which are also increasingly demanded by the governments that fund scholarly research. Slides here:
Increasingly, platforms like The Conversation as well as social media are also critical to the engagement with and impact of scholarly research, and there has been a rise in the development of scholarly …
Taking a quick break from liveblogging the paper sessions I've seen, I was asked to do a quick interview for the ECREA 2016YouTube channel – and it's online already. So, here's a quick chat about the future of journalism, and a preview of the themes of my upcoming sequel to the Gatewatching book:
The next paper at ECREA 2016 is by Folker Hanusch and me, and deals specifically with the popular science communication platform The Conversation. Our slides are below: