Virtual Nation: The Internet in Australia, a book I've contributed to, is now available from UNSW Press. A preview of my chapter is also online in my publications section on this site.
This article in the Guardian was flagged on nettime: more evidence that filesharing does not impact CD sales in the way that the music industry claims it does. My favourite quote from the article is that the net effect of filesharing on sales is "indistinguishable from zero". Music industry ideologues take note.
I've been artistically enhanced, by my friend Brad. Sharing it with the world here... Apparently this was done from a recent photo using all manner of clever methods. I feel a little like Homer Simpson discovering his face on a Japanese detergent package.
Almost hidden away in an issue which is first and foremost on "Journalism and Black America", this issue of the Nieman Reports also contains a section on "Blogging and Journalism". More reading... Got to start writing, got to start writing.
I've been busy organising this inaugural event to be held from 12 - 16 July
The purpose of the week is to focus on some key issues and attract attention to the emerging role of PR bloggers in developing and spreading knowledge about public relations. Often decried as a secretive profession we want to share our knowledge with everyone and encourage a better understanding of the contribution we make to our societies
The latest dispatch from the filesharing frontlines - interesting reading. As predicted, movie filesharing is now joining music, and legal actions or legal services have little impact so far. Interesting to see the IFPI CEO say that "of course, over the longer term we expect a steady fall in illegal file-sharing; something we've already seen happen since the RIAA announced lawsuits early 2003" - wonder what makes him believe in that 'steady fall', since so far there's no indication of it whatsoever.