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Some More Presentations to Finish the Year

As 2010 draws to a close, its perhaps appropriate that my last couple of conference presentations for the year take a somewhat retrospective nature, summarising and reflecting on the 2010 Australian federal election, with a particular view on what we’ve learned about the state of Australian journalism in general and the role of Twitter in election coverage and debate in particular. I’ll present both those papers at different conferences in Sydney this Friday (26 November):

Slides for both those presentations are below, and I’ll try and add audio later both with audio.

Additionally, I should also mention that a special issue of Social Science Computer Review, which I edited with Jean Burgess, Carol Soon and Han Woo Park, has now been published at least in its online version (with print to follow). Articles in the special issue are available on the journal site, and in particular the collection includes our “Mapping the Australian Networked Public Sphere” (with Jean Burgess, Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai), which also provides some more background on the work I’ll present at InASA in the afternoon. All eight articles in the issue were drawn from two panels we organised for the International Communication Association conference in Singapore, in June.

Here are those slides – after that, it’s time for the summer holidays…