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Creative Commons

Exploring the Knowledge Economy

The final session for today is opened by economist John Quiggin from the University of Queensland. He notes the increasing importance of the Internet as a focus of innovation, since about 1980 (previously, it was transport which drove innovation). Most of the innovations it brought about, however, were pioneered outside the market sector - they were done in the background of the main economy (think for example of blogs and wikis).

Innovations on networks are naturally non-rival, and excludability (restrictions to people's access) is problematic as exclusion undermines the network itself (as AOL has found - ultimately it was unable to restrict its users from accessing the wider network, and vice versa). Similar exclusions in online newspapers (such as the New York Times Website) are also ultimately counterproductive.

Creative Responses

The next session unites some representatives of the creative industries. We begin with Richard Neville, billed here as a futurist and social commentator. He notes that there is a resurgence of creativity in our society today, and that there also needs to be an incentive to create and disseminate - but this incentive must be more than a financial one; it is also based in collaboration and the ability to build on the work on others. In creative eras throughout human history this opportunity for mutual collaboration and inspiration was always present.

Today the large IP holders are stifling such collaboration between creators and reuse of their content - even though many of the creators themselves are actually happy to participate in the sharing of content. There is a significant bifurcation, then, between the creators themselves and the corporations which presume to manage their interests. However, overall, the issue is abut sharing, not stealing content.

Creative Commons Innovation in Queensland?

Next up we're hearing from the Queensland State Government about their involvement with creative innovation - Tony McGrady, Minister for State Development and Innovation, couldn't make it at the last minute and is therefore represented by his parliamentary secretary Linda Lavarch (who handily also happens to be the wife of QUT Dean of Law, Michael Lavarch).

From her remarks it looks like the State Government did have a major shift in thinking through its involvement with the Creative Commons project. It's already been very supportive of creative innovation and the creative industries, and the creative commons provides another important element in this context. All this is part of its overall Smart State agenda, of course.

An Australian Creative Commons

Next up is Ian Oi from Blake Dawson Waldron, the lead lawyer on the development of the Australian CC licences. His talk builds on a collection called International Commons in the Digital Age which details the iCommons and related work. The key issue in his work on the project was of course the translatability of licences across national jurisdictions, but on the other hand the Australian licence also needed to reflect Australian specificities (such as the GST, for example).

Another issue related to the collection of commercial royalties. In the Australian context, the Australasian Performing Rights Association (APRA), for example, first needs to have the rights of collecting royalties for musical content assigned to it, which complicates the creative commons licencing system. APRA has taken a relatively cooperative approach here, and discussions are ongoing as to how to handle royalties for musical content.

iCommons Developments

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Tom Cochrane from QUT now starts the second session, which will introduce in more detail the iCommons project. Neeru Paharia is the first speaker, and she begins by once again flagging the launch of the Australian CC licences.

iCommons recognises the need to translate the CC licences (or at least theiir legal layer) into the different legal jurisdictions for which they're aiming to apply. National laws are subtly or not-so-subtly different, of course, so it isn't possible simply to take the original US law-based licences and use them in other jurisdictions. The process began with Japan, and has now launched some 15 licences world-wide, with licences for over 70 other countries still underway. But beyond the licences themselves the aim is also to grow the number of CC adopters in each country, of course. Ultimately, this is hoped to create a global pool of licenced content, with content being able to be used under equivalent but locally appropriate licences (or a generic world-wide licence where no local licence exists). This is complicated by specific national issues such as the inability to waive specific author's rights or the existence of collecting societies.

Creating the Creative Commons

Lessig and LogoAfter these introductions we're now moving on to Lawrence Lessig's keynote. His aim today is to place the CC movement in some context, to provide a motivation for the project. His main theme, therefore is 'remix', and he notes that culture itself is remix, every day - from politics to the arts: we decide what to consume and what to construct and (re)create from this input. The main observation here is that this form of remix is free: unregulated by law; there is no requirement for permission to be able to do this. In fact, it needs to be free in order to avoid infantilising our culture, to ensure the basic human right of being able to 'write' our culture in ordinary ways

Open Content Licencing

I'm spending today and tomorrow at a conference here in Brisbane: Open Content Licencing with special guest Lawrence Lessig. This is part of QUT's involvement in the Australian section of the Creative Commons project. Justice Ron Sackwell begins proceedings, introducing Lessig and rehearsing some of his work - the Eldred v Ashcroft case challenging US copyright law, and his recent book Free Culture in particular. He also draws the connection to Australian copyright law especially in the wake of the US-Australian free trade agreement, and points out the challenges before us.

Open Source Panel

Early Start...We've now started the last day of the conference proper here in Helsinki - with a session on open source cultures that also contains my own paper. I'll blog most of this but of course not my paper itself - I'll upload this to this site soon. Not a bad turnout for a 9.30 start on a Saturday morning, either!

Mark Tribe has now made a start on his panel, beginning with a brief history of free and open source software (FOSS) and its ideology. But Mark's own interest is in open source as a broader cultural phenomenon, which also occurs in the domain of art (and he quotes Stravinsky as saying that "a good composer doesn't imitate, he steals"). This of course is a key development of the last century - the conscious building of new art on existing material, be it ideas or actual found material (as also in the emergence of collage as a new art form - take the dada movement for example).

Science / Art / Law

The second ISEA day in Tallinn has started. I'm currently in a panel on legal implications of avant-garde science / art projects. Mainly they're talking about the Steve Kurtz case - an artist in the US who was charged with bioterrorism offences when ambulance officers (whom he'd called following the sudden death of his wife) found bio-active substances which he was using in his art. While such charges have now been dropped, he's still being charged with mail fraud - not a minor matter in the US either...


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