The past few days have been nothing but productive, even if I've taken some time off my research for the book. Instead, I've completed and/or revised a number of conference papers and other articles that are due over the next few months - clearing the decks, or indeed the desk, before I fully descend into book mode.
2007 is going to be a very productive year for me, as far as papers, articles, and other publications are concerned. I've managed to combine my stays here at Leeds University and later on at MIT in Boston with a few conferences in the UK and the U.S., respectively, and there are a number of further conferences in Australia and elsewhere as well. There's also a couple of book chapters and at least another journal article, but most those I can't say that much about yet. I have now posted some of the completed conference papers on this Website, though, so please feel free to have a look (and to comment, of course!).
Perhaps not surprisingly, most of my upcoming work is related in one form or another to my research into produsage, and these papers have given me an opportunity to explore some of the further implications of produsage in a number of areas, and to do a few test runs of the arguments which I'll include in the book. There are also a few other fields of interest I continue to track, including mobile media, journalism, and other new media-related issues. So, coming up (with links to the papers where I've posted them already):
- Ideas, Cyberspace, Education 3 conference (Ross Priory, Loch Lomond, Scotland, 21-23 March 2007):
"Beyond Difference: Reconfiguring Education for the User-Led Age" - Media in Transition 5 conference (MIT, Boston, USA, 27-29 April):
"Produsage, Generation C, and Their Effects on the Democratic Process," in a panel called "Produsing Culture: Implications of User-Led Content Creation" with my QUT colleagues Jean Burgess and John Banks. - Creativity and Cognition 6 conference (Washington, D.C., USA, 13-14 June 2007):
"Produsage: Towards a Broader Framework for User-Led Content Creation" - Mobile Media conference (Sydney, Australia, 2-4 July 2007):
"Cell Phone SMS News in Chinese Newspaper Groups: A Case Study of Yunnan Daily Press Group" by Liu Cheng and me; and
"Mobile Learning Technologies and the Move towards 'User-Led Education'" with my QUT colleagues Rachel Cobcroft, Jude Smith, and Stephen Towers - PerthDAC conference (Perth, Australia, 15-18 Sep. 2007):
"The Future Is User-Led: The Path towards Widespread Produsage"
And hopefully (papers are in the process of being reviewed):
- Association of Internet Researchers 8.0 conference (Vancouver, Canada, 17-20 Oct. 2007)
I've also collaborated with Lelia Green on a chapter about Australia's ICT environment for the 2007 edition of Digital Review Asia Pacific, and there are a couple more chapters and articles on various aspects of citizen journalism currently under review (can't say more about any of them here yet, sorry). Finally, now that the first results of some of my IssueCrawler crawls are in, I'll also start work on an article discussing coverage of the David Hicks case in the Australian political blogosphere. Should there be any journal or book editors interested in the topic, contact me in the usual way...