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(Singapore) I've been travelling for around 24 hours straight now, and the end is in sight - currently I'm enjoying the free Internet connections at Singapore's Changi Airport, before the last flight leg into Brisbane in a couple of hours. Strictly speaking, when I arrive in Brisbane I'll have been underway for more than the 34 hours of plane travel over these last couple of days, though - my last day in the U.S. was taken up with another day trip, another guest lecture, this time at Temple University in Philadelphia. Of the four times I've now done the 'Understanding the Produser' lecture, this one was my favourite, I think - I had enough time to expand on some of the key ideas, there were great questions throughout, and some very nice comments afterwards (a close second was the first time, at SUNY Buffalo). Many thanks to Hana Iverson and her group for inviting me in (and shouting me dinner afterwards).