Time to catch up with a few publications - my recent work is featured in a number of new collections:
Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunications to Media, edited by Gerard Goggin and Larissa Hjorth, collects some of the best papers from the Mobile Media 2007 conference (which I blogged about at the time) in Sydney. Looks like a fabulous collection, and I'm delighted that an article by former QUT Visiting Scholar Liu Cheng and me about SMS news in China has been included. We're looking especially at the experience at Yunnan Daily Press, where Cheng led the roll-out of SMS news functionality, and we're including some staggering statistics about the growth of Internet and mobile use in China as well (I wonder how they'll be affected by the global financial crisis...).
Sydney. I chaired another session in the morning, and so I couldn't blog it... The first post-lunch session at Mobile Media 2007 starts with a paper by Marsha Berry, whose interest is in cartographies of mobile mediascapes; mobile places are places in between, threshold places, sites of reception and production which are characterised by the interrelationship between imagination and bodily experiences. In these spaces we find ritual gestures (such as the use of SMS as quasi-postcards) and the performance of the self; they raise perennial questions of embodiment and consciousness of our own experiences. Additionally, we are also surrounded constantly by surveillance in such spaces, as well as enacting a form of sousveillance through our own cameraphones and mediamaking. Telepresence is ubiquitous.
Sydney. The final day of Mobile Media 2007 has started, and the opening keynote today is by Misa Matsuda (the other scheduled keynote speaker, Shin Dong Kim, unfortunately couldn't make it here). Parent-child relationships are now mediated by mobile technologies, and this provides and insight to the complex relationship between technologies and society overall. Japan is at the forefront of this, as it has the highest up-take of mobile Internet access, which may be seen as foreshadowing the future for mobile technology overall. This began with DoCoMo's introduction of i-mode phones, and is enhanced now also by GPS, data transmission, and music download capabilities, for example. Japanese society's transformation may therefore be indicative of future global changes, too.
Sydney. The second keynote this evening at Mobile Media 2007 is by Leslie Haddon, who shifts our focus to children's uses of mobile technologies. His research focussed on 11-16-year-olds, and looked at as well as beyond their communicatory practices - including also uses of mobiles as cameras, music players, content transfer devices, games consoles, Internet and television platforms. Some of the teens involved in this study obtained their first mobiles at age 8-10, and many had already owned more than one phone in their lives (often traded down from parents and siblings). Gradually, they had acquired more and more functionality, and they therefore have an understanding of the history of fashionable phone features and uses over the past years; upgrades were motivated in part by fashion, but also by the wearing out of existing phones.
Sydney. We're now in the final Mobile Media 2007 keynote session for today, which opens with Rich Ling. He begins with some data collected in Norway, which show that in age groups between 9 and 25, there is a tremendous change in the use of SMS, mobile, instant messaging, and email, as opposed to landline telephony. It is also evident that since the late 90s, mobile phone ownership amongst teens and adolescents has grown to close to 100% in Norway, and these groups are also the most prolific senders of text messages. Why this quick and thorough growth in mobile phone ownership especially in the teen age range? Rich suggests that teen emancipation is a key driver here.
Sydney. I'm afraid I missed out on blogging the last session at Mobile Media 2007 as I was chairing it, so we're on to the post-lunch session already. My paper with Liu Cheng is in this session, and the PDF is available here, Powerpoint here. The first presenter is Jayde Cahir, though - one of the editors of the 'complex' issue of M/C Journal which we've just launched. Jayde begins with a focus on the Cronulla riots on December 2005, during which text messages and emails were instrumental in organising both sides of the riot which took place broadly between Anglo and Lebanese Australians. This led to the introduction of strong new laws criminalising the transmission of messaged inciting hate, and allowing for the confiscation of mobile phones.
Sydney. The second keynote speaker this morning at Mobile Media 2007 is my colleague Stuart Cunningham. He begins by highlighting new approaches to the study of economics which are now being applied to the creative industries as an emergent innovative heart of the services sector. In the process, the creative industries are setting the template which other, more mainstream industries will follow. This enables an evolutionary growth process which embeds new and emergent technologies into the economy.
What such studies require is an understanding of economic structures as evolving, not static, and this cannot be measured easily through conventional means; the creative industries and the rest of the economy are linked in a dynamic relationship, and Stuart outlines four models for an understanding of this relationship (negative, neutral, positive, and emergent).
Sydney. The second day of Mobile Media 2007 is now underway; we're starting with another double header of keynotes, and Genevieve Bell from Intel is the first speaker. Her focus is on the social, cultural, regulatory, and other contexts of mobile media developments, and she begins by asking what today constitutes a 'mobile device', given the multifaceted technological and other features of such devices - there is no fixed and stable notion of what that term describes. Such notions are also affected by wider developments in the discourses and conversations about mobile media, of course.
Sydney. The second keynote speaker in this session at Mobile Media 2007 is Raul Pertierra, who shifts our focus to the Philippines. He asks whether the social changes now observable in the Philippines may require new theoretical models for their understanding much as the changes to society in the early industrial age required new theories at that time. This is even in spite of the still relatively limited take-up of new technologies in the Philippines, with a 15% Internet penetration and a 50% take-up rate for mobile telephony.
Sydney. The final keynote session at Mobile Media 2007 for today starts with Dong Hoo Lee. Her focus is especially on the impact of camera phones on public practices in Korea, and the emergence of geospatial imagery which they have made possible. She compares this to the original moment of 'Kodak Culture', which focussed on playfulness, mobility, and spontaneity as incorporated into leisure activities and embodied in the figure of the 'Kodak girl'; through it, cameras also became tourists' identity badges, and snapshooting became the foremost activity for the travelling public, and shaped public spectatorship of tourist locations.