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M/C Journal 'scan' Issue Launched

I published the latest issue of M/C Journal the other day - congratulations to the issue editors, Josh Green and Adam Swift:


M/C - Media and Culture
is proud to present issue four in volume eight of

M/C Journal

'scan' - Edited by Joshua Green & Adam Swift

The scan is both the quick glance and the measured study, it is a survey of the exterior and an interrogation of hidden interiors. Practices of scanning are a response to the increased number of things to consider and the reduced amount of time to consider them. Scanning demarcates that which is seen as relevant, interesting and important into ever increasing 'to do' lists, at the same time dismissing that which is not. These questions of importance or relevance are often decided through cursory glances and greater consideration is regularly left for 'later'. Scanning engages questions about surveillance, about the way in which we surveil our self and our surrounds, and about the way we submit our self and our surrounds to surveillance by others. In many ways scanning has an impact on the way in which authority is practiced, in creative practice, scholarship and daily life.

  Feature Article
"Scanning the Satellite Signal in Remote Western Australia"
  - Lelia Green

Lelia Green discusses the way in which scanning radio frequencies, and particularly the shared environment created by the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service radio service, drew together a community of remote West Australians. “Scanning the Satellite Signal in Remote Western Australia” reflects upon the way scanning shared communication signals provided virtual connections at times lost by the introduction of technologies that provided more direct communication modes, such as the telephone. Lelia’s article demonstrates the scan as a reading practice often enabled by, or employed to negotiate, communication technologies.

"Resurveying Eden: Panoptica in Imperfect Worlds"
  - Alexis Harley

"Tag & Trace Marketing"
  - Angelika Melchior

  - Yonatan Vinitsky

"Scan and Deliver"
  - Robin Rimbaud

"Colour™: Law and the Sensory Scan"
  - Charlene Elliot

"Eminent Library Figures: A Reader"
  - Michelle Kelly

"Scanning the Front Pages: The Schapelle Corby Judgment"
  - Elizabeth Delaney

"Are Scanning Minds Dangerous Minds, or Merely Suspicious Minds?: Harnessing the Net Generation's Ability to Scan"
  - Henk Huijser

"So Many Books, So Little Time"
  - Stephanie Dickison



Upcoming M/C Journal issues in 2005:

'review' - article deadline: 26 Aug. 2005
           - release date:     19 Oct. 2005

'affect' - article deadline: 21 Oct. 2005
           - release date:     14 Dec. 2005


M/C Journal 8.4 is now online: <>.
Previous issues of M/C Journal on various topics are also still available.

Visit all three M/C publications at <>.

All contributors are available for media contacts:

