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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryJournalists’ Approaches to Generative Visual AI in Their Work Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryChinese Journalists Perceptions of the Impact of AI on Their Jobs Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryGerman Journalists Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryBloomberg’s Use of Automated Tools for Financial Journalism Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryAdopting Generative AI Tools in Public Service Media Organisations Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryExploring Automated Visual Analysis Tools Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryMoral Themes in Global Climate Change News Coverage? Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryUnderstanding News Curation Behaviours in Korea Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Influence of Media Systems on Polarisation Patterns Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryStudying Cross-Platform Alternative News Sharing Practices Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Closure of the Twitter Academic API and Its Chilling and Dispersal Effect on Twitter Research Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryPolitical Content in German and Flemish Social Media Influencers’ YouTube Videos Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryWhat News Outlets Benefit the Most from Social Media Logics? Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryPosting Styles of and Engagement with US Politicians’ Content on TikTok Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryReasons for News-Sharing Avoidance amongst Canadian Social Media Users Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryExperimenting with Choice Architectures to Enhance News Diversification Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryIdentity Groups of News-Sharers on Twitter in the Netherlands Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryRelevance Considerations in the Sharing of News in South Korea Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryPlatform-Based Uses and Gratifications in News-Sharing in Taiwan Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryEffects of Cross-Cutting Political Talk in Non-Political Online Spaces Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryReviewing the Evidence on Cross-Cutting Exposure and (De)polarisation Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Effects of Political Differences on Romantic Relationship Choices Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryMoving beyond Bipolar Approaches to Affective Polarisation Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryExploring the Optimum Level of Cross-Cutting Media Exposure Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
Blog entryUses of Social Media Platforms by Norwegian Political Parties in the 2021 Election Snurb02 months 3 weeks ago
