It's been a busy week - partly also because I'm going on holidays in the middle of next week and wanted to finish a few things before then. So, I spent most of last night working on one of the audio recordings from my recent trip to the U.S.: I've now added a recording from my guest lecture [weblink:286] to this site. As I said back then, my favourite version of that lecture was the one I gave at Temple University in Philadelphia, and so I worked mainly with that recording; however, I also noticed that for some reason the last few minutes of it were missing from the recording, and so I've spliced in the ending from the Brown University recording a few days earlier. In addition, I also made some minor updates to my list of recent publications, splitting this up into publications, recorded talks, and creative work, and added a box with the most recent stuff in the upper right corner of this blog. Hope that's useful. I'm hoping to add recordings from my Wikinews paper at AoIR 2005, and the Northeastern University New Media Panel, soon.
Also yesterday, a good discussion with my PhD student Rachel Cobcroft, who is commencing work on a thesis dealing with the photo-sharing site Flickr, some more work towards a cover for [weblink:158], and preparations for an all-day workshop today on blogs and wikis in teaching at QUT as part of a large project that I'm co-director of (and from which I'll escape for a couple of hours to head over to the QualIT 2005 panel on research blogging at Griffith University.