Well, I've just sent [weblink:158], the book Jo Jacobs and I have been editing for the last half year or so, on its way to the publisher Peter Lang, as well as informing our fabulous contributors that it's all happening. Let's hope the Digital Formations series editor Steve Jones and our editor Damon Zucca at Peter Lang like the collection - Jo and I think it's come together very well and provides a great and diverse range of insight into the contemporary uses of blogs, well beyond the diaristic or political forms of blogging which most mainstream media commentary still continues to focus on (which is not to say that we don't cover those as well!).
I've also updated the page for [weblink:158] in this blog, and added an updated table of contents, list of contributors, and a PDF of the introductory chapter. Go check it out (as many others have done - [weblink:158] is the most viewed page here!