It’s that time of the year again – I’m frantically working to get ready for my October overseas trip, which will take me through much of northern Europe. Here’s what’s on the agenda – if you’re in the neighbourhood, say hi (and connect with me on Dopplr to make catching up easier).
My first stop is in Berlin, where we’ve scheduled a couple of workshops for our Mapping Online Publics ARC Discovery team (involving my CCI colleague Jean Burgess as well as our partner researchers Lars Kirchhoff and Thomas Nicolai from Sociomantic Labs). From there, I’m heading on to Bremen and Hamburg, where we’re presenting our blog and Twitter network mapping at the ECREA 2010 conference (Hamburg, 12-15 Oct.) and its Doing Global Media Studies pre-conference (Bremen, 11-12 Oct.). Afterwards, we’re returning for our second round of project workshops with the guys from Sociomantic.
The next stop is Gothenburg, for the annual Association of Internet Researchers conference (21-23 Oct.), where Jean, my PhD student Tim Highfield, and I are joining a panel on “Tracking and Mapping Political Interaction in Online Social Networks” with Christian Nuernbergk from the University of Münster and Hallvard Moe from the University of Bergen. On the day before the conference (20 Oct.), I’m also presenting a guest lecture on produsage at the University of Gothenburg, which Oscar Westlund has kindly organised.
Afterwards, it’s on to a round trip through the north – on Hallvard’s invitation, I’ll be speaking about social media network mapping at the University of Oslo (25 Oct.) and the University of Bergen (26 Oct.), and then I’m travelling on to Helsinki to be a guest speaker on produsage at Metropolia University (on 27 or 28 Oct.), invited by Robert Arpo.
From there, it’s back south for another guest lecture and workshop on social media network mapping for Christoph Neuberger’s research institute at the University of Münster (2 Nov.), and a guest lecture on produsage in a series celebrating the 20th anniversary of the IBBT/SMIT research institute at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
Phew. I’ll post the various abstracts and Powerpoints on this site once I’ve put them all together, of course – and expect my usual conference blogging to start when I hit ECREA and AoIR…