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Convergence Culture and Populist Movements

The final speaker on this panel at ICA 2010 is James Hay, who questions the assumption that the move from broadcast to networked media results in a greater potential for grassroots activism and alternative media practice. Grassroots activism is now also often seen as astroturfing - a kind of genetically modified grassroots - and we have seen a resurgence of populism as well.

Such tendencies are predicated often on new media practices, and there is a legacy of the popular in cultural studies which is now being trumped by a focus on grassroots; the media economy, too, is increasingly organised around the management of populations (not least also aiming to know more about the life of population). New forms of populism from the US Tea Party movement on the right to its counterparts on the left still need to be explored more energetically by the people who research user-generated content.

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