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Preparing for the Participation Age

Finally, then, there was the panel I participated in, on participatory journalism. Obviously I didn't get around to blogging it, but I made an audio recording - and if it turned out OK I'll try and put it up here soon. Some very interesting international perspectives on the challenges for journalism brought on by participatory media - and I thank my co-presenters Christoph Neuberger, Jane Singer, and David Domingo, as well as Mark Deuze who proposed the panel and brought us all together. Let's see if we can do some more follow-up work on these issues. Here's our abstract for the panel:

Preparing for the Participation Age

The 21st century has been called the 'Participation Age' with regards to the various ways people across the globe use and interact with/through media. Scholars and industry observers alike signal a shift away from the mass media model (typified by terms as broadcast, top-down, show-and-tell, downstream, one-way) towards a culturally converged model (coined as bottom-up, collaborative, participatory media, upstream, interactive, multiple-way). This panel brings together international scholars who have done research in these emerging fields of journalistic praxis, and who can authoritatively discuss the implications of the participation age for journalism studies and journalism education.

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