No, this isn't about whether you'd rather be obliterated by the weapons of mass destruction of Dubya's evil empire or Kim's evil minnow. Rather, there's the start of an interesting series of articles about content management systems at the All-American Web Portals site (what a name). They're promising to look at a group of PHP-Nuke-style CMSs to compare their features.
I've mainly worked with PHP-Nuke so far (and now with Drupal, of course), with some good success - both M/C Reviews and EMIT run on PHP-Nuke. In the versions I've used it's very much for PHP programmers only, though - you do need to fix a few bugs and develop your own modules if you want to use it fully (I did this with Drupal on this site, too, but only because I wanted to add my links management system, not because some core features were missing or poorly implemented). I don't know how much PHP-Nuke has evolved over the last year, though - and I've only glanced at myPHPnuke or Postnuke so far... So, looking forward to AAWP's coverage as it unfolds.