I'm very happy to report that [weblink:158], which Joanne Jacobs and I have edited for Peter Lang, is about to go to the printers. One of the last things we've signed off on now is the book cover, based on an idea by Jo and me and produced with the assistance of ACID's Gavin Winter, who took the photo of the Rode microphone - here's a preview. There's probably no need to explain this, but of course the advancing phalanx of microphones in the image is symbolic for the multiplication and amplification of voices in and through the blogosphere - every blogger has their own soapbox, talk-back show, stage, or public lecture event now.
We also received a couple of very nice endorsements for the book, from Robert Scoble and Pat Kane:
"This is a broad, but deep look at the social, political, business, and academic effects that blogging is having on our society. Highly recommended!"
Robert Scoble, Corporate Blogger, Microsoft Corporation"We blog, therefore we are players in our own future. Jacobs and Bruns have provided an exciting and useful map to the practices, ethics, and potentials of this most encouraging Internet phenomenon. Highly recommended."
Pat Kane, Consultant, Singer, Activist, and Author, The Play Ethic
Many thanks to Robert and Pat, and indeed to all the contributors who have participated in this project. Expect it in to be available in a month or two - and you can already pre-order the book from Amazon!