Well, after working flat out on it nearly all of last week (and much more work in the preceding weeks), I finally submitted my application for promotion to lecturer level B at QUT on Friday. Let's hope for the best, and that I met the very specific format requirements for it as well! Many thanks especially to my referees - both those who provided statements of support for me and the four colleagues who will now act as formal referees commenting on my performance in the areas of research and scholarship, teaching, and service. So this weekend, I'm going to be catching up with other things that I didn't have time for during the week - answering the 180+ emails that are piling up in my inbox (and that's just the QUT email account alone), posting a few blog updates (including my report from the Eidos launch - see [weblink:212]), and working on the next assignment for the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education that I'm currently studying for. No end in sight...