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"Every Home Is Wired": Appendix B.1 -- References |
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Articles (Translations of the German-language articles are mine.) | |
Appadurai, Arjun. "Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy." Theory, Culture & Society 7 (1990): 295-310. Baym, Nancy K. "The Emergence of Community in Computer-Mediated Communication." Jones 138-63. Bennett, Andrew. "'Going Down the Pub!': The Pub Rock Scene as a Resource for the Consumption of Popular Music." Popular Music 16 (1997): 97-107. Born, Georgina. "Afterword: Music, Policy, Aesthetic and Social Difference." Bennett et al. 266-92. Bonchek, Mark S. "Grassroots in Cyberspace: Recruiting Members on the Internet, or Do Computer Networks Facilitate Collective Action?: A Transaction Cost Approach." 1995. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.www-marketing.com/virtuelle_gemeinschaft/text/bonch95a.htm Burnett, Robert. "Dressed for Success: Sweden from Abba to Roxette." Popular Music 11 (1992): 141-50. Clarke, Gary. "Defending Ski-Jumpers: A Critique of Theories of Youth Subcultures." Frith and Goodwin 81-96. Clarke, John, Stuart Hall, Tony Jefferson, and Brian Rogers. "Subcultures, Cultures and Class." Hall and Jefferson 9-74. Coate, John. "Cyberspace Innkeeping: Building Online Community." 1992. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.www-marketing.com/virtuelle_gemeinschaft/text/coate.92.txt December, John. "Challenges for a Webbed Society." 1994. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.december.com/cmc/mag/1994/nov/websoc.html ---. "Characteristics of Oral Culture in Discourse on the Net." 1993. Online. Internet. 19 Apr 1998. Available HTTP: www.december.com/john/papers/pscrc93.txt ---. "Transitions in Studying Computer-Mediated Communication." 1995. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: sunsite.unc.edu/cmc/mag/1995/jan/december.html ---. "Units of Analysis for Internet Communication." Journal of Communication 46.1 (1996): 14-38. Dery, Mark. "Flame Wars." South Atlantic Quarterly 92.4 (1993): 559-69. Döring, Nicola. "Einsam am Computer?: Sozialpsychologische Aspekte der Usenet Community." 1994. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.www-marketing.com/virtuelle_gemeinschaft/text/doering.94.txt ---. "Isolation und Einsamkeit bei Netznutzern?: Öffentliche Diskussion und empirische Daten." 1995. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.www-marketing.com/virtuelle_gemeinschaft/text/doering.95.txt Fornäs, Johan. "The Future of Rock: Discourses That Struggle to Define a Genre." Popular Music 14 (1995): 111-25. Frederick, Howard. "Computer Networks and the Emergence of Global Civil Society." Harasim 283-95. Friedland, Lewis A. "Electronic Democracy and the New Citizenship." Media, Culture & Society 18.2 (1996): 185-212. Fripp, Robert. "Afterword Two: Endless Grief." CD booklet. Epitaph. King Crimson. Discipline Global Mobile, 1997. 48-54. ---. "Discipline Global Mobile: A Small, Mobile and Independent Record Company." CD booklet. Space Groove. ProjeKct Two. Discipline Global Mobile, 1998. 9-10. ---. "The Fractalisation of King Crimson." CD booklet. Space Groove. ProjeKct Two. Discipline Global Mobile, 1998. 7. ---. The Great Deceiver. Boxed set book. The Great Deceiver. King Crimson. Virgin, 1992. ---. "A Personal Throughview from the Guitarist." CD booklet. Epitaph. King Crimson. Discipline Global Mobile, 1997. 8-19. Frith, Simon. "All Wrapped Up." Music for Pleasure: Essays in the Sociology of Pop. New York: Routledge, 1988. 192-3. ---. "Popular Music and the Local State." Bennett et al. 14-24. ---. Introduction. Facing the Music: Essays on Pop, Rock and Culture. Ed. Simon Frith. New York: Pantheon, 1988. Frith, Simon, and Andrew Goodwin. Introduction. Frith and Goodwin 1-3. Grossberg, Lawrence. "Is There Rock after Punk?" Frith and Goodwin 111-23. ---. "Rock and Roll in Search of an Audience." Lull 152-175. Guilbault, Jocelyne. "Interpreting World Music: A Challenge in Theory and Practice." Popular Music 16 (1997): 31-44. Gurak, Laura J. "The Rhetorical Dynamics of a Community Protest in Cyberspace: What Happened with Lotus MarketPlace." Herring 265-77. Hannerz, Ulf. "Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture." Theory, Culture & Society 7 (1990): 237-51. Harasim, Linda M. "Networlds: Networks as Social Space." Harasim 15-34. Harker, Dave. "The Wonderful World of IFPI: Music Industry Rhetoric, the Critics and the Classical Marxist Critique." Popular Music 16 (1997): 45-79. Harley, Ross. "Beat in the System." Bennett et al. 210-30. Hauben, Michael F. "The Netizens and Community Networks." 1997. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.december.com/cmc/mag/1997/feb/hauben.html Hayward, Philip. "Enterprise on the New Frontier: Music, Industry and the Internet." Convergence 1.2 (1995): 29-44. Herring, Susan C. Introduction. Herring 1-10. Interrogate the Internet [research group]. "Contradictions in Cyberspace: Collective Response." Shields 125-32. Jameson, Frederick. "Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism." New Left Review 146(1984): 53-92. Jones, Steven G. "Understanding Community in the Information Age." Jones 10-35. Katz, Elihu. "The Two-Step Flow of Communication: An Up-to-Date Report on an Hypothesis." Public Opinion Quarterly 21 (1957): 61-78. Kiesler, Sara, Jane Siegel, and Timothy W. McGuire. "Social Psychological Aspects of Computer-Mediated Communiation." American Psychologist 39.10 (Oct 1984): 1123-34. Kollock, Peter, and Marc Smith. "Managing the Virtual Commons: Competition and Conflict in Computer Communities." Herring 109-18. Kottak, Conrad Phillip. "Integration, Disintegration, and Reintegration via Advanced Information Technology." Social Science Computer Review 14.1 (1996): 10-15. Kruse, Holly. "Subcultural Identity in Alternative Music Culture." Popular Music 12 (1993): 33-41. Laing, Dave. "'Sadeness', Scorpions and Single Markets: National and Transnational Trends in European Popular Music." Popular Music 11 (1992): 127-40. Lee, Stephen. "Re-Examining the Concept of the 'Independent' Record Company: The Case of Wax Trax! Records." Popular Music 14 (1995): 13-31. Lull, James. Introduction. Lull 1-32. Manuel, Peter. "Music as Symbol, Music as Simulacrum: Postmodern, Pre-Modern, and Modern Aesthetics in Subcultural Popular Musics." Popular Music 14 (1995): 227-39. MacKinnon, Richard C. "Searching for the Leviathan in Usenet." Jones 112-37. McLaughlin, Margaret L., Kerry K. Osborne, and Christine B. Smith. "Standard of Conduct on Usenet." Jones 90-111. Mitra, Ananda. "Disaporic Web Sites: Ingroup and Outgroup Discourse." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 14.2 (1997): 158-81. Morris, Merrill, and Christine Ogan. "The Internet as Mass Medium." Journal of Communication 46.1 (1996): 39-50. Newhagen, John E., and Sheizaf Rafaeli. "Why Communications Researchers Should Study the Internet: A Dialogue." Journal of Communication 46.1 (1996): 4-13. Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth. "The Spiral of Silence: A Theory of Public Opinion." Journal of Communication 24.2 (1974): 43-51. Peterson, Richard A., and David G. Berger. "Cycles in Symbol Production: The Case of Popular Music." Frith and Goodwin 140-59. Prasad, Anil. "Bill Bruford: The Beat of the Moment." 1998. Online. Internet. 30 Apr. 1998. Available HTTP: www.innerviews.org/inner/bruford2.html ---. "Yes: The Politics of Perpetual Change." 1998. Online. Internet. 30 Apr. 1998. Available HTTP: www.innerviews.org/inner/yes.html Quarterman, John S. "The Global Matrix of Minds." Harasim 35-56. Reid, Elizabeth. "Electronic Chat: Social Issues on Internet Relay Chat." Media Information Australia 67.1 (1993): 62-70. Shade, Leslie Regan. "Is There Free Speech on the Net?: Censorship in the Global Information Infrastructure." Shields 11-32. Shepherd, John. "The Death of Copyright, the Rise of Women and Rock in a Socialist State." Bennett 21-7. ---. "Value and Power in Music: An English Canadian Perspective." Relocating Cultural Studies: Developments in Theory and Research. Eds. Valda Blundell, John Shepherd, and Ian Taylor. London: Routledge, 1993. 171-206. Shields, Rob. "Introduction: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories and Living Bodies." Shields 1-10. Silverstone, Roger. "Media, Communication, Information and the 'Revolution' of Everyday Life." Information Superhighways: Multimedia Users and Futures. Ed. Stephen J. Emmott. London: Academic Press, 1995. Smith, Anthony D. "Towards a Global Culture?" Theory, Culture & Society 7 (1990): 171-91. Smith, Marc A. "Voices from the WELL: The Logic of the Virtual Commons." 1992. Online. Internet. 12 Mar 1998. Available HTTP: www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/csoc/papers/voices/ Straw, Will. "Characterising Rock Music Culture: The Case of Heavy Metal." Frith and Goodwin 97-110. ---. "Systems of Articulation, Logics of Change. Communities and Scenes in Popular Music." Cultural Studies 5 (1991): 368-88. Turner, Graeme. "Rock Music, National Culture and Cultural Policy." Bennett 1-6. Walls, Jan. "Global Networking for Local Development: Task Focus and Relationship Focus in Cross-Cultural Communication." Harasim 153-65. Walther, Joseph B. "Computer-Mediated Communication: Impersonal, Interpersonal, and Hyperpersonal Interaction." Communication Research 23.1 (1996): 3-43. | Bit 2 |
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