"Every Home Is Wired":
3 -- Endnotes
< If you followed a link from the thesis text, the yellow arrows will lead you back to the bite you came from.

1 By strict definition these newsgroups are part of Usenet, not the Internet as such: while the Internet includes only those computers directly connected to it, Usenet is comprised of all machines able to receive email and newsgroup news, excluding those Internet nodes not set up for these services, while including a wide range of other computers in non-Internet networks connected through network gateways. However, since most every Internet user has the ability to receive email and news, and since the enormous popularity of the Web has drawn large numbers of users from extraneous networks to the Internet proper, from a user perspective the difference is now almost negligible, as the frequent use of the coverall term 'the Net' demonstrates. Technical distinctions will not be important here, therefore (for a more in-depth description of the distinction, see Salus). <
2 One major participant of alt.music.yes, for example, posted 23 messages as 'h.potts' in addition to the 363 'Henry Potts' posts listed in the participant rankings in Appendix A.1. There were also posts from fake senders like 'Steven*Morning Breath*Sullivan' in addition to the ones posted by a.m.y top participant Steven Sullivan. <
3 Based on Usenet news from a University of Queensland newsfeed; figures for other servers may vary slightly. <

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© 1998 Axel Bruns