"Every Home Is Wired":
2 -- Endnotes
< If you followed a link from the thesis text, the yellow arrows will lead you back to the bite you came from.

7 There are various borderline cases from neoclassical and minimalism (composer Philip Glass has worked with Prog-related artists Brian Eno and David Bowie, and there are also ties to the polyrhythmics of 1980s King Crimson) to New Age music (for which Ambient could be seen as a core style) and world music. <
8 Early Prog shared many countercultural ideological ambitions -- particularly the tactical opposition to the rules imposed by 'the establishment'. "Just as the counter-cultural media generally constructed their interventions around a modernised image of artistic practice, so the new rock form defined itself against pop commercialism" (Frith & Horne 56); this is reflected in the ambitious, lengthy compositions that are central to much classic Prog. <
9 Many premier Prog bands signed contracts with major labels, therefore (Yes with Atlantic, Pink Floyd with EMI, for example), while in other cases the success of the Prog bands themselves allowed the small labels they had started on to expand (this happed with E'G Records, to whom King Crimson were signed). <

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