It may have taken a little while, but there were some interesting developments around my book [weblink:28] recently. To begin with, readers can now finally browse the book online at Amazon - of course the book itself has been available there for a couple of years already, but it's now been scanned and is available to explore in some more detail. Check it out...
On the other hand, there's also been some news from the real Amazon - a review of the book by Marcelo Träsel was published a little while ago in the Brazilian journal InTexto. Obviously, the review is in Portuguese, so I'm not entirely sure what it says, but the Babelfish translation looks generally positive. Thanks for letting me know, Marcelo!
On the back of the review, I've also been contacted by journalists in Brazil and Ecuador to do some interviews about citizen journalism. Keep an eye on Galileu magazine for a story coming soon, and hopefully we'll be able to get the Radio City interview organised, too.