Well, looks like my book [weblink:28] is really for sale now - I have a sales ranking at Amazon! Still a fair way to go from #194,377 to the top of the bestseller list, but I guess it's a start. So, thank you, dear customers so far (all, what, five of you...). And if you're still thinking of buying the book, please feel free to do so through this link and make me a little extra money. OK, commercial over.
Speaking of gatewatching, I'm half-way through a thesis I'm examining for an Australian university (can't give any precise details at this point for obvious reasons) which also deals with sites such as Slashdot, Kuro5hin, and Plastic. Good stuff so far, with a stronger emphasis on the moderation system rather than the news(gathering) aspects I cover in the book. It's a pity the author and I were working on our research simultaneously; otherwise we could have collaborated quite well, I think.