[weblink:158], edited by Joanne Jacobs and me, is now out on Peter Lang. Order now!
My book [weblink:28] is now available from Amazon.com - order it here!
Comments on [weblink:158]:
"This is a broad, but deep look at the social, political, business, and academic effects that blogging is
having on our society. Highly recommended!"
Robert Scoble, Corporate Blogger, Microsoft Corporation"We blog, therefore we are players in our own future. Jacobs and Bruns have provided an exciting and useful
map to the practices, ethics, and potentials of this most encouraging Internet phenomenon. Highly
Pat Kane, Consultant, Singer, Activist, and Author, The Play
Comments on [weblink:28]:
It's journalism, Jim, but not as we know it. "Gatewatching," "multiperspectival editing," the "produser." Strange new terms -- but as Axel Bruns shows in this impressive account of online news media, the underlying issues remain very much as Herbert Gans described them a generation ago. In a democracy everyone has a right to practice journalism. Users are beginning to shape the oddly named collaborative instruments on the internet into a new chorus, giving a new voice to democracy. Axel Bruns shows us why and how we all need to learn the tune.
John Hartley, Queensland University of Technology.