A good meeting with Jo Jacobs and our research assistant Ian Rogers today, to move forward on the Uses of Blogs book. We've signed the book contract now and it's on its way back to Peter Lang in New York. We'll be sending out an update to our contributors shortly, to work out the deadlines leading up to delivery of the manuscript in early November. The more we work on this, the more this is shaping up to be a great collection. The enthusiasm displayed by our contributors (as well as by Jo and Ian) is great, and we do seem to have managed to collect a stellar cast of bloggers and blog researchers. It's a pleasure to work with such a supportive publisher as well!
Also today, some more work on the edgeX project which Liz Ferrier and I are going to submit as an ARC Linkage application this round, and a good meeting with Sal Humphreys who will research approaches to and uses of wikis in teaching, to help me further integrate the M/Cyclopedia of New Media as a teaching tool into my unit KCB336 New Media Technologies at QUT. We're hoping to generate a paper from this research, for the International Symposium on Wikis in San Diego in October, and to feed it into the QUT Teaching and Learning grant that the unit is part of.
Oh, and check out Jean Burgess's new-look blog. Anything to procrastinate in the lead-up to PhD confirmation, I guess...:-)