Ho boy. Well, my new spam filter for comments on this site seems to be doing its job - the site has been (and still is at the moment) flooded by comments advertising online gambling, but none of them (we're past the 150 comments mark here!) have actually made it through. Filtering by content is the only way to catch these postings - they're coming from a wide range of IP addresses, so there seem to be a fair few machines out on the Net that have been hacked to send comment spam.
Other than that, I've spent the day working on my application for promotion to lecturer level B at QUT. If I wasn't feeling a bit under the weather already anyway, just listing all the various projects I'm involved in is exhausting. QUT divides academic work into three main areas - here are the major items I've listed so far:
Research and Scholarship
- one book done, another started
- various articles and papers
- co-director of a large teaching and learning grant
- project manager for ACID Press project
- developing edgeX ARC Linkage proposal with Liz Ferrier
- Digital Rights Management project at QUT
- doing a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
- KKB018 Creative Industries, including the new Creative Town scenario
- KCB336 New Media Technologies, including the M/Cyclopedia of New Media
- various postgraduate coursework units
- various guest lectures
- outside QUT:
- researcher's working group in the IIPC
- fibreculture Facilitator
- General Editor of M/C - Media and Culture
- various media appearances, guest lectures, and the recent interview with Trebor Scholz
- referee for various journals
- inside QUT:
- CI Faculty online teaching and learning committee
- QUT wireless teaching and learning committee
- stakeholder for the WT&LC on the QUT wireless development steering committee
- developed the CI Faculty referencing guide
Phew. And I still have to write most of this up in detail and find evidence to document my performance in these tasks.