"Every Home Is Wired":
Appendix A.2 -- Selected Postings
< (Posting headers were edited down to relevant information only. '[...]' indicates abbreviations of the article text.)

Polite disagreement.
From: Jahweh David Lynch <twgs@whatsthepoint.net>
Subject: Re: The Anti-Prog
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 98 09:55:00
Message-ID: <3543d24e.2308937@news.newsguy.com>
Newsgroups: rec.music.progressive
Organization: The Institute of Nasal Hygiene

Thus spake Henry Potts:

>Jahweh David Lynch <twgs@whatsthepoint.net> writes
>>Well, your withering criticisms- at least, those that don't qualify as
>>completely bizarre on a level that makes Fripp seem downright scrutable
>>(ITWOP a "sell-out"?)
>The suggestion that _ItWoP_ was a clone of _ItCotCK_ has been made many
>times before on this newsgroup. The most obvious motive to do that is so
>as to repeat the success -- commercial as well as critical -- of the
>former. I have merely gone one small step further than the usual in
>pointing out that this is exactly the sort of behaviour considered as
>"selling out" by many here.

And that's the small step I take exception with.  Does ITWOP repeat a lot
of the stuff on Court?  Surely it does.  But a lack of stylistic
development between any two given albums hardly counts as a blatant ploy
for commercial success.  If Yes' next album had been a blatant clone of
"Court" in a play for commercial success, well, first off, it would be a
pathetically misguided move, as there HAS to be an easier way to top the
charts than that, but more importantly, they could perhaps be criticized as
"selling out"- that is, compromising their artistic ideals for the Almighty
Dollar (all right, well, pound, then).  As anomalous as it might seem in
light of subsequent artistic developments by Fripp, developing a unique
musical sound and then sticking to it is considered a perfectly acceptable
aesthetic strategy for most rock bands.  If ITWOP is a "sell-out" album,
then so is "Keys to Ascension".

>>seem to boil down to Fripp's relentless eccentricism and refusal to be
>>pigeonholed into a musical category. [...]
>I think there was much more to what I said -- I refer you to my earlier

Possibly, but it was utterly nonsensical and seemed to indicate to me that
you've been smoking crack more than anything else.


Oh, and by the way, I'd agree that calling Fripp the "prince of prog" is a
definite misnomer- but the question was to name someone who had played a
major role in the advancement and maintenance of progressive music over the
years, that is, I'd say that the title "prince of prog" is an airy-fairy
rubbish crown which doesn't really fit in with what the question asked.

"and directly in your fucked ass!
3 times idiot!!!
Suicide is your only way..."
(Dr. Mauro Moroni)

(Jahweh David Lynch and Henry Potts agree to disagree about the respective canonical status of Yes and King Crimson. 'ItWoP' refers to King Crimson's second album In the Wake of Poseidon, 'ItCotCK' to the previous release In the Court of the Crimson King. Keys to Ascension is a recent Yes double album featuring live versions of 'classics' and some new studio recordings.)
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